Let's Talk About | Mental Health || Rougepout Beauty

This is a little chat about an amazing Mental Health Foundation

thelucyraynerfoundation.com - website

[email protected] - email

The Lucy Rayner Foundation
PO Box 419

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コメント (12)
  • I know you reserve the greater part of your channel for lovely makeup and skincare, but these kinds of videos really show what a lovely person you are, Becky. I sometimes worry that if I comment lovely things on every one of your videos, I might come across as an OTT obsessive stalker hahaha, but videos like this make me think that those kinds of comments are much-needed because we never know if someone's struggling with self doubt of feelings of worthlessness on the other side of the screen. I suffer with bouts of short-lasting depression and have always suffered with my sense of self-worth and so I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on such an important point of discussion xx
  • Hi Becky this is an amazing video hun, and so agree, its good that it's being talked about a lot more, and thank you for sharing your story too. I've been through depression too on|off over the years and at one point was extremely poorly too, i remember just curling up in a little ball in the corner of the room and just crying, it was an horrendous time in my life but i too was blessed with an amazing mum and doctor, i had counselling too hun as i was very withdrawn. I'm so saddened to hear of Jenny's daughter Lucy, and my heart goes out to her family, i think its a positive thing the more its open and more discussed i feel its positive as the one thing i felt in those dark days, was extremely alone, great video Becky, you truly are a wonderful lady, much love❤️‍ xxxx
  • @WhotKnot
    A compassionate and well presented video on a topic that needs to be better understood and discussed😘
  • As a fellow depression sufferer, I salute you for this video. Not to go too much into detail but depression is and will always be there for me. I feel for Lucy's family especially as they didn't see it coming as I told no one about what I was going through either. I'm glad you managed to get well and hopefully people will see this get the help they need. Thank you. XX
  • Hey Becks, such a sad situation for Jenny. Thank you for sharing her story about beautiful Lucy and for sharing yours. I think it would good to share things you did that helped you. I suffer with Emetophobia which in my mind led to anxiety which causes bouts of depression. I'm so much better than I was when it all started 25 years ago which I am thankful for but it still affects aspects of my life day to day. Mental health issues are more talked about now but I think there's still loads that can be done. Thanks so much Becks 😘 xx
  • Thank you for sharing. I too live with depression. First time after my son was born but then again when I hit the menopause. Hormone triggered? Who knows. I lived in a bubble, as you say detached. The tears and blackness are overwhelming. Yes I needed my friends but dared not speak. Ultimately I lost my closest friend because of my distance. Very sad times. I'm good now, but can sure empathise with anyone who suffers. Take care of yourself xoxo
  • I think this is a great video. Such a massive problem nowadays, and as you say, people still don't talk enough about mental health issues. I suffered from depression and took anti-depressants for several months, which really helped me. This was during the breakup of my marriage and having an early menopause. Last year, the sister of a close friend ended her life and she had struggled with severe depression for years and was in her 30s. SO very sad and heartbreaking for those left behind. I think life is tough nowadays, with people feeling more isolated - a massive problem. THank you for bringing this subject up and having courage to discuss such personal issues with us. Xxxx
  • My heart goes out to this family Becky ❤️ mental health is a very individual battle and I fight every day. I stand in front of the mirror and literally beg myself to stop crying. I'm lucky as I also have great support and I think social media is a great way to help people but it can also be used the other way and I find that absolutely terrifying. I'd hate to be a young person now, they have way more to deal with than I did at that age :( xx
  • Such a sad but very much needed video! I too live with depression & anxiety & will be on medication for the rest of my life! I don't talk about the subject very often at all because when I "had" friends & they invited me to talk about it I stupidly did & they all everyone of them ran for the hills! So now I'm very much on my own with my husband & two girls. So yes I feel there needs to be much more understanding on this subject & less stigma! Thank you Becki for speaking out it is an horrendous condition & unless you have been there then you have no idea! My heart goes out to this beautiful family! Sorry for the ramble xxxx
  • This has really struck a cord with me I have had depression since I was pregnant with my first son 7 years ago I have two boys and suffer from anxiety too it is so hard at times especially getting up of a morning I work as well it makes my life unbearable at times it's horrible living with it as like you say it's not a visible illness people don't understand why/how I feel the way I do especially when I'm having one of my bad days having an anxiety attack for example