Beavis and Butthead Do U (1999) PC Playthrough - NintendoComplete

A beginning to end playthrough of GT Interactive's Windows 95 graphic adventure, Beavis and Butthead Do U. The playthrough was captured through an s-video feed coming off of a Pentium 200mhz MMX Windows 95 machine.

I really wanted to like this game. I adore Virtual Stupidity, and this seemed pretty promising as a follow-up of sorts. Even though the graphics are pretty good and the controls are pretty intuitive, it isn't really very funny. If there could be such a thing as "prosaic toilet humor", this would fit square in that category. The puzzles are wicked easy, the jokes are not particularly amusing by normal Beavis and Butthead standards, and the game is REALLY short.

If you'd like to see the extent to which I don't like this game, look at the end of the video. I purposely kept recording as I uninstalled it to make my point.

The cursor isn't moving in the playthrough because this isn't actually me playing it - the game has an option in a hidden debug menu to play itself through. After recording a playthrough myself and comparing it to the one that the game does, I decided that this one was more entertaining for how quickly the action moves along. Debug mode is also the reason for the framerate counter at the top right.


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コメント (21)
  • Counsellor: "Hello boys, I'm the psychologist here at Highland State," Beavis: "I'm sorry to hear that, ma'am," GOTY 1999
  • This quality is perfect actually. Looks like the show and stays within the computer's performance range.
  • @525Lines
    Frame rates about the same as the cartoon.
  • I never ever thought I'd be homesick for the 90s. I forgot how much of a genius Mike Judge was.
  • I wonder if Mr. Mackey's "Mmmkay" on South Park was a homage to Mr. Van Driessen.
  • My dad was wishing they made more episodes of the show so I showed him this and it made him really happy
  • This should have been a game on the Wii U.. Beavis and Butthead Do "U"
  • The animation for this game is fucking supreme! Looks hand drawn like the show. I'm very impressed yet not surprised. Mike Judge is a animation genius!
  • 58:17 Van Dressen finally got to sing his song without falling out of the bus this time.
  • You know... For being idiots. Considering how the puzzles are, they are pretty damn genius at their own end. :)
  • Even the old Windows OS had me nostalgic. There was something simpler and charming about old computers.
  • @brett6626
    I miss playing this game I wish it was on steam
  • @BoahsLoL
    fuck youtube for censoring specific parts of this play through just because it has some music awesome upload BTW - i enjoyed this as if i was watching a long episode
  • That metal song at the radio station was Testament if anyone was curious.