How to Unblock Your Sacral Chakra (2nd Chakra) | Chakra Tips | Sonia Choquette

Published 2023-05-07
Lacking more joy in life? Today I'm sharing how to unblock your sacral chakra (2nd chakra) to get you back to having fun and being truly creative for yourself!
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Are you flatlining? And when people say, โ€œAre you having fun?โ€ you can't honestly answer? That's because your second chakraโ€™s collapsed. That second chakra is our fun, creative center. When that center isn't working properly, our creativity, spontaneity, sense of humor, joy, and connection with the fun of life flies out the window. Sadly, because the world has been in a transition phase, it has really robbed a lot of people of joy. So today I'm going to talk to you about how to unblock your sacral chakra. I'll show you how to get your creativity, your spontaneity, your sense of humor and your joy back at least so that you can navigate these transformational times in a way that is more rewarding. Itโ€™s time to take your power back and get creative again!

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Sonia Choquette is a globally celebrated and dynamic spiritual teacher, six-sensory consultant, enchanting storyteller, and transformational visionary guide, known for her delightful humor and skill in quickly shifting people out of difficulty and into flow. She is the author of 19 international bestselling books on intuitive awakening, personal growth, creativity, and transformational leadership including the New York Times bestseller "The Answer is Simple."

Sonia is inspiring a global conscious movement around the truth that "We, as humans, are Divine Beings endowed with SIX senses to guide us through life" and insists that we must activate and rely on our innate sixth sense in order to make the most authentic, well-informed, healthy, and soul satisfying decisions possible.

00:00 Are you flatlining on fun & joy?
01:18 Where your second chakra is
01:33 Symptoms of a blocked sacral chakra
02:14 How to activate your second chakra
04:43 Stop the Creativity Monsters!
07:25 What our creativity is
09:29 Donโ€™t buy into the lies
12:47 What you need to do now

#SacralChakra #Chakras #BlockedSacralChakra

All Comments (21)
  • I had so many monsters to deal with growing up. Mostly with my music. I played the piano and drums. Part of the monsters made fun of the types of music I played or listened to which really annoyed me. The rest of the monsters, instead of just saying โ€œthat sounds greatโ€ and leaving it at that, chose to go the route โ€œyou must be a spoiled only child if you can take all these lessonsโ€ฆโ€. It got to the point where I didnโ€™t EVER share my music with anyone. Then as I got older, people would ask me why I wasnโ€™t in a band and I just told them that I learned to just play for me and that way there were no hurtful remarks to deal with. Quitting all together would have been the true tragedy. Instead, I play for myself and it makes me happy every single time. I donโ€™t feel the need to share anymore.
  • @JanGannon-ui5pe
    Thank you so much! I was with a man for a couple of years who didn't like what I had done in the past with my art, who didn't like what I was doing at the time and ALWAYS had a better idea of what I SHOULD do. I took an idea of his for a garden path and it was a load of BS which I had to rip out a year later. I remember being in a state of suspended animation because of his judgements. One day I said 'I think I am going to......" and before I even got the idea out of my mouth, the response was "I wouldn't do that! " I hadn't even said what I was going to create! I have actually been flatlining ever since. So today I am getting my paints out. Go me.
  • flat as a pancake, throat also closed my whole life, and i guess all the other chakra's too, where off balanced... been on a spiritual path now since 2005, and for 3 years now, learning to play the saxophone๐ŸŽผ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽท
  • When I was in 2nd grade I wasnโ€™t allowed to sing in the choir because my voice didnโ€™t match the other kids. I had to play the glockenspiel instead. It took me until the age of 58 to take voice lessons and which I love.
  • Hey Sonia! I'm an artist & intuitive coach. I work with clients helping them to unleash their creativity- so many clients have told me similar stories about teachers who have literally said something to them as a child that has squashed their creativity- it's the worst. I love this LIVE on the 2nd chakra and the point you make about drama (how people will go into that) vs. getting creative- which is so much more fulfilling!
  • I love the real-life experiences that you share with us to emphasize a lesson. I can place myself right in those shoes you use to wear. You are a marvelous teacher.
  • @Blazey626
    Sonia, Today has been filled with synchronicities and I could NOT figure out / predict where my day would lead. I planned to give my kittens a flea bath, visit this particular restaurant, and play a particular game. I took a nap and missed the sunlight (no way for the cats to dry quickly), the restaurant is closed on Wednesdays, and I have yet to play the game I wanted to today. I have spent 6+ hours exploring content on youtube regarding chakras, awakening, and meditations. I arrived at your videos about the chakras and WOW. Thank you so much for posting this video in particular. I am so powerful, that I was allowed to believe my 2nd chakra was blocked this entire time. The entire time it has been flowing wonderfully, all I needed was a shift in perspective. I create spreadsheets and solutions to unique / niche problems at work. I create beautiful conversations on a daily basis, and amazing playlists on a monthly basis. I create a safe environment for my son, I create amazingly tasting meals in the kitchen weekly. This entire time I have been creating and not acknowledging myself because of the misconception, the outdated belief that in order to open my 2nd chakra, I need to be creating ART. Thank you so much for your wisdom Sonia!
  • @elifaltay99
    I realised the sacral chakra is so vital. Real connection to life. We must create the life we desire
  • @Stroudtucson
    This video really struck a chord with me. I can see where I've allowed myself to stop being creative because of my own depression. Yes, I've had my share of monsters stamp on my creativity, but I hear what you are saying about never letting anyone do that! I truly believe that we need to be creative in order to be fully alive and to access that Higher Part of ourselves. This seems to me to be our purpose! Thank you, Sonia! Your messages are beautiful and uplifting!
  • @WowJustWow37
    I miss my creative self so much. And I remember exactly when and what monster got me during quarantine. Living with that person still, itโ€™s been difficult to find it in myself to start again. I realize now I can find my privacy and keep my art to myself. Thanks again and again Sonia โค
  • I have always NEEDED creativity as a part of my life in order to feel good. I have done scrapbooking, card making and other DIY projects. I let others know I carve time out for myself to be in my state of create!๐ŸŽ‰
  • @wyldwyrdwytch
    "Maybe vibration and intuition is my first language." ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿปโœจ๏ธ
  • My intuition has been telling me to make stuff. Now i know why. I need to get back on the bike. I watched this again, and do you know how creative I have to be to make such drama? Sonia I'd suggest taking a cooking class, it would be fun. I might do the same. I think this is why I like kids, no drama, they create and have fun, then just trash their work. We attach emotion to our work and can't let it go.
  • @johnlaw9109
    Thank you Sonia Thank you for these insights! I feel like i have been flatlining for the past five years or more. I can remember all of the reasons to get up and go, but I have very little enthusiasm for any of it. Even the spiritual vibrancy that has been the corner stone of my very breath seems to have gone underground. Maybe this is akin to a long show Shamanic death. I do feel Her though, my beloved inner flame, as if she is peeking around the corner at me playfully saying with a smile, "Ready or not here I come." Many Blessings Sonia ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ•‰๐Ÿ’–
  • I really enjoy this and I REALLY NEEDED TO HEAR THIS! Thank you Sonia โค๐Ÿ™ I am a painter who has been a bit stuck but after seeing this I will create magnificent paintings ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ again!!โค๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ฏ
  • Thanks Sonia. You are such a beautiful shining star in our lives. This is so uplifting and has brightened my day.โค
  • Thank you SC! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿฅฐ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ”ฅโ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŸ
  • Many thanks Sonia for this video. I pray that YOU and yours are all keeping very well. I was thinking the same thought very recently of how I let a jealous female neighbour temporarily rob me of my creativity spark (painting in my garage). God bless you.