EFAP TV: Reacting to The Acolyte S01E05 - Night

Published 2024-06-27
Oh JEEZ! lots of THINGS happen this time! We have lightsabers! attacking! defending! cortosis! helmet things uhhh.... there's uhh, there's Phrick...

it's um... the most episode of all of them.

Edited by

MauLer: Start - 29:19
Fringy: 29:19 - End

All Comments (21)
  • "Stop! Don't kill him! If you do, you'll be just as bad as him!" "But...he killed our friends for fun..." "And if you kill one person, you're exactly as bad as someone who has killed 20! Now stand back and lets watch as animals eat him alive, morally and justly!"
  • @SiriusSphynx
    "Stop, don't kill him!" Tell that to Yord's snapped neck!
  • @heikira438
    Smilo knew he was in a Disney lightsaber fight, so he stabbed multiple times and decapitated just to play it safe 😂
  • @tamirat705
    "The Jedi won't leave me alone to use the force the way I want, so I will actively antagonize them and reveal myself to them to ensure they won't ever leave me alone" Genius
  • "The Jedi don't kill the defensless" My man he killed 8 people.
  • >"I'm gonna let the Jedi arrest me so I can tell them what I know." >The Jedi attempt to arrest her >She resists 10/10 writing
  • Squid Game standing there like a lemon and doing nothing is like he failed a QTE and watched as Wesker broke Sheva's neck.
  • So Sol decide to leaves his dead padawan’s body with the moths. What a great mentor.
  • >kills pretty much every named character present with silly joker helmet >is deaf to industry plant girl literally announcing she'll do the thing and her subsequent running at him to do thing >gets jumped by moths, loses "This script... it's... it's BEAUTIFUL!" Dave Felatio
  • @xel1673
    Every death here is a result of Osha deliberately letting her murderous sister escape in Ep2. However, she isn't alone. Stupidity is helping. Jecki is responsible for leading to her own death by shooting down Yord's confrontational plan and instead proposing that dumb disguise plan in Ep2. Sol is also responsible for agreeing with Jecki's dumb plan and then letting potion-Sith escape with a slap on the wrist, despite having assisted in killing a Jedi Master (not to mention the previous apothecary disappearing under mysterious circumstances from a guy dealing in poisons). Considering Yord's plans usually mean a more aggressive confrontation with the target and mind-reading, if they'd gone with his plan, they might all still be alive. Including the Wookie Jedi. So Yord and the unnamed Jedi are probably the only real victims in these series of events since Ep2. Victim, but Yord is still an idiot. But everyone is a colossal idiot in this show. Everyone dying landed with a dull thud. Just like their lifeless bodies. Honestly, I care about everyone dying as much as Sol apparently did. Hardly a wrinkle in his mood. He just got up and strolled out. Didn't even check for life from anyone and just dipped out. He didn't even accomplish the mission to see what happened to Kelnacca.
  • “Jedi do not attack the unarmed” Says Sol to the guy who just murdered his friends and padawan and knows how to use the force
  • @DarthDevorin
    "She was a child!" "You brought her here." Sol is gonna need some bacta for that burn.
  • @tomjames9681
    Yunnoh, Palpatine was an idiot in the prequels. He should’ve just said “Master Windu, I am unarmed! A Jedi would never attack someone unarmed!” Man, that example of killing Yord is the perfect example of why such a rule NEVER existed and if it did, would never be applied in such a way. If someone has demonstrated they are a threat to the extent that they have killed someone, weapon or not you do whatever to detain/neutralise them. Going forward, any deaths are in part, Sol’s fault. Just like every death here was partially Osha’s fault for letting Mae go.
  • @KelShu
    Mae's motivations keep flip-flopping back and forth. She said that she's giving up on her revenge and that her loyalty's to her sister, last episode; but in this episode, she knocked out her sister, left her unprotected in the forest, and presumably is going to take her revenge on Sol. Also, if she wasn't responsible for the deaths of the other witches, she did a terrible job in clarifying that to Osha
  • @m626m
    If only Master Tobin had awakened just for a few minutes during his 10-year sleep to teach a jedi how to use the force shield. Lives could have been saved. SMH!!
  • “The Jedi do not attack the unarmed” SIMLO HAS THE FORCE. HE HAS KILLED WITH IT.
  • @fconstraints
    That whole "Phrik" discussion had me in stitches.
  • Also, how did 20 Jedi die on this mission and the council never learn about it? How did Ripoff Shrek manage to keep a Jedi massacre quiet?
  • This episode really destroyed Sol, huh? Just doinking around while his friends get killed, leaving their bodies to rot in the Jungle, leaving Ezra Miller alive, not sensing something is off about "Osha"... What a loser.