IF IT AIN'T BROKE - Snow! ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท (P) vs Yabsab! ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท (Z) on Citadel - StarCraft - Brood War

Publicado 2024-05-06

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • oh good, a macro to start the week, so cool and one great legendary player facing new guys, love those, see how he/she/they do! Could be, WILL be interesting, lol. Checking for sneaky two-fers, will not spoil if it is or not but LOVE the uninterrupted macros. The best, gives us more strat to see many times, too. The BEST. Thanks Falcon, love that you continue to find new ones, there probably are actually a ton out there, maybe even years worth, but this is awesome, and love when new challengers, ones we may not have seen or even known about, take on the greats, always nice to see the elites face new challenges and obstacles, lol. And dark horse players. Thanks again. / .
  • @comradejakov4528
    With this zerg victory, we can all stop for a moment and appreciate that a river can cut through rock.
  • @lockelaton287
    The quick 4th base really gave him a big push against Snow :D
  • @MrMaddox57
    Let's also just say, Yabsab broke SOMETHING, lol. Thought the same, Falcon in what you said toward the end. So true. ๐Ÿคฃ๐ŸŒŸโ˜ฎโœŠ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘.And yeah, Yabsab's NUMBERS! WOW! GREAT use of production, forces, and yep, that economic advantage. And Snow TRIED to keep checking the Zerg expansions but Yabsab WISELY kept rebuilding them AND immediately replacing their drones time and time again, amongst many other things, factors, matters, manuvs, etc.
  • @MrMaddox57
    and those Reaver drops from Snow were on full display, REALLY caused Yabsab some problems, but impressed with the Zerg player, he can CLEARLY go toe-to-toe with Snow. Peace, excellent game. Both players MIGHT have been able to continue a LITTLE bit or so farther, but solid performance. ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒŸโœŠ๐Ÿ’ชโค.and yes, Snow had the right combo, too!
  • @kieranhurst8543
    You haven't lost until you've lost. Snow really likes to go for the flashy attacks and annoying tactics to make his opponent tap out early, but when he comes up against a player that won't tap out then Snow mines himself out doing the same thing instead of going for the kill. You cast a Snow PvT a while back where he kept recalling into the Terran's main over and over to try and make him tap out, but the Terran persisted and let Snow recall all of his resources down the drain then moved in for the kill.
  • @astrocaglar
    This is how you are supposed to play ZERG! Larva is so proud of you. GJ Yabsab!
  • @Phil_Burton
    Oh, somewhere in this favored galaxy the sun is shining bright, The soundtrack is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light; And somewhere players are laughing, while Artosis shouts, But there is no joy in Protossvilleโ€”mighty Snow has struck out.
  • @AdamXXX338
    Cause Snow sent the drones across the map by mistake and when he realised it was too late
  • @ryan3088
    This was a ton of unexpected fun!
  • love the title, hahaha, and hey, new players, well, never before seen perhaps on the Brood War casts. Awesome, thanks, Falcon! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒŸ:hand-purple-blue-peace:๐Ÿ•Šโคโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ
  • @ObeliskM
    Ultralisks still clearly have hard time against protoss. Ultralings army composition is not very worth it because of cost inefficiency; they group together and die together to AoE. I think few ultras + a lot of hydras could be great though. Ultras can tank reaver shots (which usually massacre hydras) and some storms, which greatly increases survivability and damage output of hydras.
  • @pkscolax9480
    With that amount of map control, the end result was a complete surprise!
  • Don't know anything about some of these players in replays the last couple months...love getting new names in the mix
  • @MrMaddox57
    this was a very good game, can see why no epic tag, drawn out but also ended quickly, actually, game MIGHT have gone on longer, but wow. I won't spoil the ending but will leave it at, like I said, and echoing others perhaps, LOVE when elites meet challenges. Yabsab is DEF. potentially that is an up-and-coming player, his macro style is aggressive, ambitious, outstanding, even if perhaps a tad over-extending, or so. But THAT is the way you play Zerg. Good game, I like this Zerg player's style, which is similar to other known Zerg players of the arguably elite categorization. He is getting better and better, if this is new, in his improving and advancing, learning stage exiting, Yabsab. This playermight get better and better and I hope he does. Using "he" though I do not know what they would prefer. But good macro strategy and replenishing units, replacing bases, going for that econ advantage or at least counter, and flooding in troops. Great to see, Snow MUST have thought "this player is GOOD," and vice versa if Yabsab does not know Snow, which I am CERTAIN they probably do. Good game, and even wish it were even LONGER, lol. More complex. But complex nevertheless. Thanks Falcon, another good one! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒŸโœŠ๐Ÿคœ
  • @Spjtnk
    So I think that if we start to see more dark archons used to feedback defilers than we most likely start to see them ferried around in overlords. How ever so far we only rarely see dark archons used and when we do they tend to be mostly for maelstroms and not really for feedbacking.
  • @blackpow3r
    If you are on 8 bases as a Zerg and the Protoss is on 5, you are in great shape to outlast him. Even with the incredible shuttle reaver micro. I definitely saw this is as a Zerg win with the swarm. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  • @MrOmelianchuk
    The defiler in the overlord idea... I've wondered if loading one or two up with some lurkers and dropping them in a mineral line would be useful. Could plague the base and put a dark swarm over the lurks to hit the workers an the building. Haven't seen anyone try it. Maybe it has been tried and it just doesn't work?