What's So Great About The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? - Adventuring in Real Time

Publicado 2022-08-13

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @1gnore_me.
    what blows my mind about super mario 64 & ocarina of time, is how nintendo not only nailed 3d gaming on their first attempt ... they created the blueprint that all games, even today, still follow.
  • You know why this game is still great even by today's standards? Because it doesnt have any bullshit. It doesnt have a giant empty open world that takes 200 hours to explore, no 45 minute cutscenes, no overly convoluted story a fandom tries to make sense of, no tutorials 15 hours into the game, no mindless sidequests that just serve to waste time, no generic user interfaces that all look like the same boring stuff Ubisoft has been shitting out for the past decade, no microtransactions, no 3 games sold seperately, it doesnt outstay its welcome, it is just a great compact package, an enjoyable fully fledged experience all around, just a great fucking videogame. That's why.
  • @SLURM187
    You have to take yourself back to 1998. This game was one of the most impressive things I had ever seen. This is the first game as a kid that I remember being completely blown away with the visuals.
  • The PlayStation and Nintendo 64 had a slew of great games that came out at the end of the millennium. You had Final Fantasy 7, Resident Evil 2, Syphonfilter, GoldenEye 007, Silent Hill, Super Mario 64, and The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. There were others obviously but those were the big 7 in my opinion. OOT was groundbreaking when it came out and I was blown away by the graphics and game play in 1998. Gen Y, Gen X, and Xennials had the best child teen years of all time!
  • @petermalleo88
    Christmas 98 will Forever be a favorite of mine. Getting this game and staying up late or enjoying a snow day while on a landline telephone with friends while trying to figure out what to do next is a memory I’ll cherish forever. How incredible was it to have this game, Pokémon red and blue and game boy color all on the same Christmas break. I was a lucky kid.
  • @EarthwormHam
    I remember that first time you leave the forest, and the camera pans across Hyrule Field. Games during this time period generally did not have the same feel of vastness
  • @trashymc4564
    I like the fact you actually explain the context of this game within its time of being made.
  • I’ll never be able to recapture the nostalgic feeling of this video game… but I remember it was the greatest time of my life. Thank you for the nostalgia trip ❤️
    The Hero Of Time is my favorite Link. His voice and design take me back 😌
  • The score of this game was perfect. You could feel the game intensifying as you get closer to danger. I remember that Forest Temple being so spooky and so odd. Then they added time travel which was different from a Link to the Past’s dimensional travel. I hope TOTK has dimensional travel.
  • @Stylz7
    "Best" is completely subjective. I consider this the best game ever made. Played it through more than any other. You really highlighted how limitation led to innovation and personality in regards to character design. OOT will forever be a game fondly remembered for so many of us.
  • @mistyrob99
    PlayStation owned most of the mountain, but Nintendo owned the top.
  • @SilverHunterN
    Want to know what the funniest thing about OOT is? That game had cut content. There was supposed to be a "wind temple" and a full temple of time dungeon. If you look closely above the door in the forest temple, there's wind symbols, so I'm guessing thats where the wind temple was originally supposed to be located. Basically, OOT is like 85% finished, and its still one of the best 3D and N64 games out there.
  • @KingDayDayDay00
    No game has ever gave me a huge sense of adventure than OoT. It was so new for it's time. After the N64, I ended up getting a PS2 and the closest game that ever gave me a good sense of adventure was probably Shadow of the Colossus... but not in the way Zelda: Ocarina of Time did. Sometimes, I'll watch live streams of this game and it gives me a good sense of nostalgia, but it will never be the same as when I was a kid playing this for the first time. I almost feel bad for the kids growing up now with video games because they didn't get to experience it
  • @dreamerjazz352
    I think this is the best video game ever made. It has everything in one game. I love many games, but I still have not played a game that gave me the ultimate gaming experience as this game did. If I had to pick one game to keep, it would be this game.
  • @ramonmujica3193
    What can I say that hasn't been said before? I like how the torches crackle. Most nostalgic sound. I'm disappointed they don't make any noise at all in BotW and TotK.
  • Atmosphere and Sound Design are honestly pretty unmatched with this game, even to this day it still boggles my mind how crazy well this game Develops it's Atmosphere and the devs were so careful with how they engineered the Sound design...it still outclasses games even today with those elements, among other things. Masterpeice.
  • @jellyjam9331
    Ocarina for 3ds was my obsession for a solid 5 years as a kid, and I’m currently replaying it. It’s been really fun to go back to a simpler time
  • @GiantJimbo08
    I really want a remastered OOT with modern graphics and improved gameplay mechanics while still staying close to the source material, I think it would be really cool to see and it would be a good opportunity for newer fans to play it without needing an n64/3ds
  • I was 6 years old when ocarina of time came into my possesion in 98'. I probably have not been more musically influenced by anything and I am a huge music nerd, but those beautiful melodies that were present built the foundation for me of emotion in music.