French politics is broken, and about to get worse

Publicado 2023-07-14
French politics is broken. The French are known to protest, often and loudly, but something feels different in recent years. Macron, love him or hate him, has undeniably caused the two-party system to collapse and, by the end of his second term, who knows which party will rise to power?

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#France #Politics #Protests #Riots #Nahel #Macron #EmmanuelMacron #Macronie #Hollande #FrancoisHollande #Sarkozy #Politique #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #GJ #Retraites #reformeretraites


Presidential elections:
2002 results:
2012 results:
2017 results:
2017 breakdown:
2022 results:
2022 breakdown:

Parliamentary elections:
2007 results:
2012 results:
2017 results:
2022 results:

Sarkozy record summary:
Kärcher response to Sarkozy:
Hollande jet lightning strike:
Hollande record summary:
Macron law:
‘Catch-all’ law:
Use of article 49.3 for Macron law:
Macron leaves PS:
Macron no longer identifies as Socialist:
Macron identifies as independent:
Macron resigns from Hollande cabinet:
Space exploration campaign platform:
Henri De Lesquen:
National Front creation:
Jean-Marie Le Pen quotes:
Convictions and charges against FN members and politicians:
Fuel tax impact estimate by Senate:
Mélenchon on Putin and Assad:
Mélenchon on Russia:
Mélenchon on EU:
Interview of Mélenchon advisor on foreign policy:
NUPES creation:
59% against pension reforms:
72% against pension reforms:
Macron government budget 2023:
Uses of article 49.3:
Macron favorability:

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @How_Countries_Work
    Amazing! Thanks for bringing your video to my attention. I think both of our French videos play well together. Mine gives an overview of the country as whole, but yours really breaks down current issues and problems. Great to see how many views you've gotten for your very first video, it's a great achievement. Looking forward to seeing more.
  • @thelegend8570
    Someone once described French politics as "There are a bunch of political parties, and everyone hates all of them."
  • @maxmeggeneder8935
    In theory the French have a low retirement age, but not in reality. People can't just retire when they turn that age. But they have to have worked for a specific number of years. This results in(most) French people retiring later than (most) Germans for example.
  • @litch1575
    As a French, I think the next election will be an election between far right/far left. We are tired of promises, and bs of every last presidents. People want change, in a way or another, but they want change. And I think, with a bit of fear, that will be wild.
  • @Wilipeidia
    During my first degree studies one teacher summed up how reforming the French political system tends to go: "People said employment law was too complex for any small business to grow. Big companies wanted radical reform, smaller firms wanted it slip streamed, and everyone got mad. Eventually, in response to claims the book was too big, they settled - and made the font smaller so the book size decreased."
  • @neuforteils4479
    Nice! An English speaking journalist who actually did his homework on France. Great work.
  • @srsaquet
    Great video! As a citizen of a neighbour country of France, this was very interesting. Hollande's prime minister, Valls, came to Barcelona to be mayor but lost the election. Then, he voted against the winner, who was a Catalan secessionist, to get the former mayor to repeat term (Ada Colau). So he ended making mayor the candidate he had been criticising the whole campaign. Then he returned to France to be senator or something but nobody voted him. A true despicable politician.
  • @egg6506
    One comment: The rise of French citizens who do not feel recognised or acknowledged by the political parties are leading to a rise of people not voting. This is a problem threatening the French democracy, as this allows for the rise of extremes. Really nice video, keep it up! (frustrated french citizen here)
  • @Aniteck82
    That's a very bad and non neutral resume in the end, sorry but actually the french far right has nothing 'far' or extreme, that's just a scary name traditionnal candidates put on them in order to gain votes. Also, the "front national", wich was indeed founded by former nazis, was also founded by famous former "resistants" (french loyalists during the german occupation). You just read the google resume of french polithics wich is oriented against "people" candidates. Also people protest against gas taxes because the state has already a min 60% tax on gas price. (i'm french)
  • @Art-ed1tz
    One thing you forgot to mention about french presidential election is the rise of people not voting, it's gotten to such a degree that almost a third of the french people do not vote. This means that when you see 58/42 for Macron/LePen you gotta take in account that this only from 60% of french voters. I like to remind people of that because a lot of us french people refuse to even partake in the unavoidable trap that has become our elections.
  • Several fun facts I’d like to add: 1) In 2002 when Le Pen made it to the second round against Jacques Chirac; left wing voters were urged to “vote for the crook not for the fascist”. 2) The electoral tactic of the Republican front or “front republicain” has actually been used as far back as the Third Republic; mainly as a way of rallying all pro-Republican forces against those of the monarchist right at the polls. 3) If I recall correctly Hollande was elected mainly on the promise of being bland - he was even referred to as “Monsieur Normal” because he would avoid the scandals and craziness of the Sarkozy years. 4) Also the habit of President Mitterrand started the habit of preaching redistributive policies on the campaign trail while imposing neoliberal policies or rigeur while in office; though it is true that this did come after he tried to implement Keynesian policies when he came to power.
  • @Berleum
    Une approche générale de notre politique qui est franchement intéressante, c'est souvent tellement un foutoir de comprendre comment il fonctionne au quotidien, qu'un regard externe nous en apprend même plus sur notre situation.
  • @iv7813
    A miraculously great way to just get barely informed about something I've never thought twice about... in just 24 minutes under such a calming narration. I thank for your work sincerely...
  • @s.2048
    You did your research, well done ! But I have to say, yes, our legal age for retirement is one of the lowest in the world and yes we want to keep it that way but thats not the only reason at all. Most people need to work way past 62 yo to keep a decent revenue for their retirement. The "bonus years" that our elders sacrifice by working for a better retirement revenue are deeply endangered by those two "simple" years.
  • @tomashalusek9181
    1. I wouldnt say Chirac was very popular. He wasnt really expected to make it in the 2nd tour in 1995. It was a big surprise that he came ahead of Balladur who lost traction in the last weeks of the campaign. And his 2002 election when he wasnt really that popular either was saved by Le Pen making that in the 2nd round instead of Jospin. 2. Chirac and Sarkozy had very bad relations by the end of Chirac's 2nd term. They mostly stemmed from Sarkozy abandoning Chirac for Balladur in 1995 as I remember. Chirac's preferred successor had always been Dominic de Villepin.
  • @noyaga.
    I'm afraid of my country's future, as a French. And great video ! Keeping me updated on my country's politics.
  • @j.a.velarde5901
    I really appreciated the effort you and your team put into this highly detailed explanation: the proper use of different environments, the clear and correct use of audio, the use of props and figures to further outline the truth... thank you and you have me subscribed. Best wishes.
  • @gaelbizet4438
    As a French person, I have to tell you: your report was super interesting, well sourced and informative. Congrats!
  • @TravelWithMaylis
    As a French citizen I think your video is very very well donned and helps a lot to understand the situation.... I choose personnally to leave France since 2019 considering how the situation is evolving and every week proves me I made the right choice ... its getting worse and worse in France