This actually pisses me off...

Published 2024-06-15

All Comments (7)
  • You speak the truth man star wars the acolyte is truly the lowest of the low of all time in this generation of TV and series
  • @Dembilaja
    Listen, to me I was always aware that no matter how good, when IP is not in hands of original creator, it's fan fiction at best. For example, Terminator 2 is one of my favorite movies, and it had definitive ending and James Cameron pretty much told his story. While I didn't hate some of the movies that came after, I was always aware that original artist has said what he has to say, and that further movies were made just to be made, and that people who made them never cared that much about the ip. Only ip that changed hands and creative vision and that I acknowledge as an actual sequel was Alien, which is interestingly another James Cameron project. Star Wars, while possibility to further the lore were always endless, story has been told with episodes 1-6 and it had pretty definitive ending, that's why I always saw sequel trilogy as a bonus content, and something I was very curious to see how it will turn out after George Lucas departed, and having in mind how passionate and sometimes rabid SW fanbase can be. I personally enjoyed episode seven when it came out, and The Last Jedi even more. But even then I always had it in my mind that this is not something made by Lucas, like I've commented on your Perfect Dark video, it's product made by someone else decades later, with name of the ip slapped on it... Even it's good, it's not an actual thing, it will never be... I think that they got really bold when Mandalorian became success, they had each episode be written and directed by different person, and that when fans liked it, they got so confident that they can just hire anybody, and they did actually that, they hired bunch of legacy twitter checkmark persons, that use to tweet daily about DJT daily, as writers, directors, casting directors, producers... In every new project. If you don't believe me, check out on the google, you have person writing acolyte when being asked is they're familiar with the Star Wars ip, they said, is that that movie with Harrison Ford and that dog... Star Wars is auteur's work, and as such it can never be treated as regular blockbuster or TV program, that's why I don't care about shows like this. People making these SW series don't have no idea what are they doing besides fulfilling Black Rock's requirements for what should be shown in each episode, and as such I'm not really stressed about it, and I think that if you really have to watch this, you should torrent it and not Black Rock any money.
  • @abstragento0087
    This world needs real talk just look how companies and governments do the exact opposite
  • @bentai4496
    George Lucas should’ve never sold Star Wars to Disney smh