The Ideology of Mr. House | Fallout: New Vegas

Published 2021-01-30
In which I talk about a 10 year old game using things I vaguely remember from my undergrad modules on human development!

0:00 - Intro Gag
0:29 - Introduction
5:20 - The Issue With the NCR
15:02 - Enter Mr. House
19:41 - The Ideology of Mr. House
31:13 - Progress for who, though?
36:00 - Old World Blues
41:10 - The Apocalypse (Or, How To Save Democracy)
47:05 - Endcards

CATO Human Freedom Index:…
Epistemology of Resistance: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199929023.001.0001
Prison Notebooks:…
Modernism and Totalitarianism:
The 'Developmental State' and Economic Development:
Systemic Vulnerability:…
Creating Malaysia:…
Politics & Governance in Singapore:…
Management of Success (Singapore):…
Freedom House Report:
Singapore's Soft Repression:…
Singapore RSF:
Our World In Data:
Challenging the Dogma of Free Trade:…
Corruption Perception Index:
Challenge to Liberal Democracy:…
Detainment of Uighurs:…
Amnesty International:…
Marxist Critique of Developmental State:
Economics for the Many:…
TL Green:…
Accumulation of Capital:…
Advnacing Human Development:…
Podcast Bean:…
Spatial Fix:…
US Kleptocracy:…

Wider Reading:
Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy (2014) - Peter Dickens
Spaces of Global Capital (2019) - David Harvey
Towards a Democratic Developmental State (2006) - Gordon White

All Comments (20)
  • @baronbonk258
    “WHY DID YOU KILL PRESIDENT KIMBALL????” “uhh he tried to make me pay taxes” “understandable”
  • @rogerbonds6263
    So you're telling me the game that allows me to get dominated by a robot named 'Fisto' has better political writing than most media today?
  • @Duterasemis
    "Is it really so hard not to engage in cannibalism?" Sometimes a feller's gotta eat a feller
  • When you erect a space faring empire intent on colonizing the universe just to escape taxes.
  • "You're laughing. You didn't pay taxes and you're laughing." Basically all anti-NCR playthroughs.
  • @gp-1542
    Fallout is essentially is “these are not your good or bad options. Theses are your only options”
  • @grant.5345
    My biggest issue with Caesar is how he is utterly anachronistic in how he sees Rome, whose autocracy was under the guise of a meritocratic republic. Romans had representatives, freedoms if they were Citizens, and sold their conquests as "Civilizing" barbarians and Romanizing them. Caesars legion is a model of Imperial Era Roman dictatorship, but those dictators were still backed by a civic membership while the Legion is a slave-state.
  • @Corty_
    Ulysess: They cling to the old world Me: Bro, you wear the old US flag on your back Ulysess: Listen here you little shit...
  • @elroma7712
    Honestly I always liked the independent endings because I like to roleplay as mad mailman going into a power trip.
  • @LowQualityPillow
    3:04 Can I just mark the Humor in this situation? Like imagine you’re Caesar, sitting on your throne guarded and the dude who you sent to destroy a shed in your backyard comes in with power armour and shoots a missile at you.
  • @mohabexpert123
    Always hated how Soup says House had the chance to save the world or Vegas and chose Vegas. How? He clearly lays out how he was barely able to defend Vegas by itself, to the point that he had to take the 38’s reactor offline to stop a meltdown, and he states if asked that he spent the next 60-80 years (can’t remember which) in a “veritable coma”
  • @SheLikesLoons
    Hearing mr house say "if you want to see the fate of democracy's look out the windows" fucking blows me away every time how is this game so good at dialogue
  • @shlabulax9047
    The worst effect of New Vegas's rushed development was the removal of the Followers as a major faction in the main quest.
  • @amorphous_bones
    One note about Westside: it’s not self sufficient. The water used to grow crops is secretly being diverted from the NCR Sharecropper Farms, causing a shortage. I don’t think this undercuts your argument, just adds complexity. One cannot go off and build a better world in isolation; limited resources will always force conflicts between new and extant systems that must be resolved. (For the record I didn’t turn Anderson in, though the ideal solutions seems a bit simpler if politically challenged - reduce sharecrop production by whatever amount Westside produces. The farms fueling and maintained by a local community are going to be more beneficial to the people of New Vegas than a hyper controlled NCR system run by western transplants with few connections to the community)
  • @noahn627
    I just looked something up. The Independant ending only says the things about anarchy if you don't upgrade the sequritrons. If you upgrade them it clearly says that any Chaos was ended quickly and with minimal loss of life. There are two Independant endings.
  • @Alex_FRD
    19:03 House sells purified water at 5 caps per gallon when the standard is 10 caps per bottle (of aprox. 500ml). There's 3785ml in a US gallon, divided by 500ml in a Fallout water bottle is 7.56, meaning that House is selling 7 1/2 times more water at half the price of the wasteland standard. With that price, he easily underbids ever water caravan in the NCR.
  • @michaelcolt4196
    Caesar: the wastleland needs something new Also Caesar: creates an ideology based on an idea from 2000+ years ago
  • @robincray116
    Speaking of Singapore, did you know Singaporean casinos don't let their own citizens in (without a fee)? The casinos are there to make profit from foreigners not themselves. If a citizen really wants to gamble they have to pay a fee carefuly calculated to be slightly cheaper than going to malaysia to gamble.