The SECRET to Making Your Visualizations a Reality | Neville Goddard | Law Of Assumption

Unlock Your "Wealth DNA" & Manifest Abundance, Grab Your Copy Of ~Wealth DNA Code~ & Start Manifesting Better

In this video, we're going to be exploring the law of assumption, otherwise known as the Neville Goddard law. This law states that if you assume something is true, your mind will create a reality that agrees with that assumption. Neville Goddard explained- how to use your imagination to manifest all your desires, including wealth and money, and your dream job, manifest money, manifest millions.

#NevilleGoddard #ManifestWealth #LawOfAttraction #BrainPill

This law is incredibly important when it comes to manifesting your desires. By understanding and applying this law, you can create the life you want – whether that means achieving your career goals, finding love, or anything else!

There are many ways that you can make money in general and many ways where you can make money online, like affiliate marketing, trading and stocks, and many more. But in this video, we will focus on how you can manifest money and wealth in a step-by-step guide proven to work and tested by many, many people and also to manifest money and become a millionaire.

コメント (21)
  • Wow that last minute is powerful. Your individual does not exist elsewhere. The person you desire is already there waiting for you and waiting for you to manifest them.
  • For everyone having a difficult time feeling emotions of already having your desired outcome, here's a technique I tried and worked for me. I don't 'try' to feel anything if you can't feel anything. Just don't put your desired outcome on a pedestal. All you gotta do is constantly be grateful for everything you have in life+ imagine your desired outcome as a normal thing in your life. Think like, "Oh I got it. Cool." Because I found myself having no strong emotions when my manifestation come true because it has become an absolute normality in my life. Idk if it helps but hope it helps ❤
  • @cst4129
    I've watched countless LOA videos over the years. I needed to hear this. I've never heard this info broken down to be understood so well. Excellent work!!
  • Nice upload. So in short it all begins with Thought! If your thoughts are limited you will remain limited. Then it’s your Intention then your Action. The true meaning of the trinity. Our ego plays a big role in keeping us in the limited state. It’s like a black ant on a black rock on a dark night. Your sickness/illness is from you but you do not perceive it and your remedy/wellness is within you but you do not sense it. You presume you are a small entity, but within you is enfolded the entire universe. You are indeed the evident book, by who's alphabet the hidden becomes manifest. Therefore you have no need to look beyond yourself, what you seek is within you, if only you reflect.*Ali ibn abu taleb, nahjul balagha. When you take “i” away from illness and add “we” it becomes wellness i=me,myself & i ego= our illness We= true unity, coming together as 1=wellness 1 not in number but as a whole.
  • @anna1417
    My problem, and that's where I'm stuck, is emotions. It has been very difficult for me to feel the positive emotion of already having what I want when I have lived angry all my life. Not by choice according to the psychologist but by experiences lived starting in the womb. Obviously if I was born angry, anger attracted more experiences that made me angrier. My mind finally understands that, but my heart refuses to cooperate. 😢
  • This is one of the best videos I've ever seen on the topic, and I've watched thousands, probably tens of thousands. Excellent!
  • Thank you God bless great video wow very powerful and inspiring 🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • Man, this is so clear, it goes through me, I realize that I already knew this but have let the world and it's problems throw a veil over my eyes
  • You know, I always look to see how many subs are following these "manifesting" people, but in this video I realize that some creators just get it! I hope you're able to read your commenters lol. I really appreciate you making this video- it has touched my life (and mind) in a deep way. Looking forward to more. Blessings and good vibes to you!
  • I love the knowledge he is giving but the background music and the voice makes this sound like those prescription med commercials “if you’re suffering from depression and a deep feeling of a life unfulfilled the law of assumption might be right for you”
  • To understand about this concept, Either LOA or Law of assumption, we should learn about the core.. The main core is your subsconcius mind's power. Creating by the God, therefor you can create your future use this power, belief system is important of this power, and the most superfull technic is detachment. May we all success in our life.