I Went to Japan's BIGGEST Artist Alley

Publicado 2023-12-30

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Emirichu
    I tried my best but unfortunately could not get the social media handles of every single artist I saw T___T I got the booth numbers for most of them, but some didn't have their info listed on the Design Festa site (a few didn't have any socials listed at all)--next time I'll be more diligent about collecting business cards!! also--I got permission from Design Festa to film beforehand, but if you do end up going and want to take pictures/video, just ask the booth artist! ^^
  • @Gayestbacon
    The story between Emily and her wallet is such a tragic tale
  • @Gabe4223.
    Jacob as the wallet is comedy gold
  • @Kaykokovids
    The artists who dedicated their whole booth to their 2 kitties is beyond adorable. Those cats are so well loved and its very sweet that their owners want to share how cute their cats are. I love you Dongdong and ShuShu🥺💕
  • @Mace4721
    Hey I'm ugly sobbing now bc of the message in the pamphlet. Absolutely tore my heart asunder. My tears are falling into my ice cream as I type this. SO THANKS KDKDJDKXMDM Real talk that was so sweet and heartwrenching. Like I genuinely can't stop crying over it. Godspeed to that artist in particular
  • @coffeeghost1150
    I was NOT expecting to start sobbing over the story behind nyan_q's chubby cat figurine. Thank you for sharing this and everything else from Design Festa with us! <3 (the cut to bible-core shortly after took me OUT)
  • @misterjooj9851
    15:47 This moment made me cry a lot because when I was a kid I picked up a stary kitten on the street, he was so small that he didn't even open his eyes, but in the end he died without even opening his eyes.
  • @StillKURBBZ
    You can tell that when Emily was reading the chubby cat bio she was either trying not to cry, crying in between takes or had just finished crying 😭😭❤
  • @Xajiquin
    Emily's art style has grown a lot over time! I'm so damn proud of her!
  • @psman85
    Bro that cubby cat story from the artist is heart tugging and a beautiful reason behind it, i love it.
  • @Dolly_ribbons
    15:47 Made me tear up 😢 All cats deserve to eat their meals and be happy
  • I don't like to go out much. I didn't even care much about anime conventions. But this? It ACTUALLY feels magical. So many great varieties of art, designs, performances, and the amount of work put into all of these crafts. I just can't. If I had money, I'd love to support everyone. Their senses have been trained to be masters of their work and they're all so appealing.
  • @Griffinattack
    That cat artist story, cut me deep. I lost my boy earlier this month, and seeing this guy go on to make such touching tributes to not only his cat but all cats, it's damn beautiful. I wonder if my boy and his cat met and became friends up there.
  • You sold me at "No fan art". I think too many artists rely on it and frankly doing lots of fan art stunts ones skills and creativity. They never learn to create their OWN! So I would be EXTREMELY excited to go to this convention. I wish there was one like it here in America
  • @iceveinz8730
    Emily, I have to say I really like this new type of j vlogging mixed with storytime illustrated content that you're doing. I think it's something that's rarely been done before and I think it's really cool so I'm thrilled that you have taken your content in this direction. You're doing great so just keep it up
  • @JavierSerrano713
    Jacob Alphrad as the wallet is the best recurring character 😂
  • @ShgurrFan
    "Daidus was fully prepared to attempt eating the fake potato salad" Me: Not surprised, I'd expect nothing less from him of all people😂
  • @MoonBun-illu
    Ok first: Thank you for putting the names of the artists in the video because I saw sooo many artists that intrigued me. Second: Man I WISHED there was something like this in germany. I swear I went to 3 anime cons in my life and I usually run to the artist alley and I always noticed that the artist doing og art or non anime specific art/no fanart always have the smallest stands as well as the ones with the least people at it and the stands located at the worst locations. Like this girl I saw at my last con I went to in summer last year. She had these handmade koi fish pencil cases which where super adorable as well as very cute stickers. But she was located in a corner basically literally in the shadow of two super big booths. One being fanart of demon slayer themed and the other was jjk I think. I went to her because of the pencil case and she was such a sweetheart. Super nice and so happy I bought the case and seeing how I was super hyped right on the spot. I have nothing against fanart artists or fanart in general, usually not my thing to get tbh, but at conventions these type of booths always overshadow the ones not making fanart but original art with oc's and such which is always kinda sad I think. I always try to go to these booths especially but due to stupid location you miss a ton. I never seen a con like this here that was just for og art of all kinds but I hope something like this will be picked up and done here as well <3
  • @kaideuii
    16:24 I love how I started bawling my eyes out of no where