Data Lakehouses Explained

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Have you ever thought about how the process of moving food ingredients from farm to table could relate to how organizations store and eventually evaluate data – through data lakes, data warehouses and now a trending architecture, known as data lakehouse?
In this video, Luv Aggarwal explains that analogy, and how a data lakehouse delivers on the benefits of data lakes and warehouses, and more!

#datalake #datalakehouse #datawarehouse #watsonX

コメント (21)
  • @zomborya
    Great video Luv. I like the analogy of food service prep that you used also.
  • @vinitsunita
    In a nutshell, data lakes stores all kind of data coming into the organization in cost effective manner as it utilises cloud object storage which is infinitely scalable.. It is equivalent to data swamps as data stroed inside also can be inaccurate, duplicate or inaccurate data which can not be used for querying or for Business Intelligence. In order to use this data, Data is cleaned first and then loaded into Data Warehouse through ETL process. It is easily queryable and can be used for BI and report generation. But it has two disadvantages :- 1. The cost of data warehouse is too high 2. Apps wants to consume fresh data may not get it from Data warehouse as it ETL process takes time to load data into warehoulse. Hence to solve the shortcomings of both Data Lake and Data Warehouse, concept of data lakehouse is introduced
  • @lukebobs
    Loading dock example was a great way to illustrate the concept, thanks!
  • As a lay person I always found the idea of a restaurant the best way to understand applications. Waiter : Web Server Chef : Application Store Manager : DBMS Storage Racks : SSD Library
  • @yairking8155
    Gran forma de explicar con simpleza el uso que le podemos dar a los datos
  • @ChanceMinus
    Brilliant analogy! Invaluable info. Thank you.
  • @MrVucanDo
    Excellent presentation about DataLakeHouse
  • @bloom6874
    brilliant video. best explained data lakehouse in almost 8 minutes. Thank you :)
  • @surfh3r0
    nice explanation, not too technical but really clear
  • In future eposiode , can you cover comparison between Data Lake & Data Mesh ?