The Object Show Medley

Publicado 2024-09-01

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Humany
    WOW this is so cool! So many object shows songs combined into one.
  • @WebzForevz
    This is absolutely incredible. So nostalgic, such a beautiful concept, amazing job
  • @vaporcranberries
    I like how the medley ends with the intro of what started this whole community in the first place, very poetic in a way
  • Hello!!!!! I'm the creator of Twisted Game, and Punch-Holer notified me to this medley. Thank you SOOO very much for featuring my song in here..! I never expected it to be featured in something like this. It truly is an honor, thank you!!!!! FANTASTIC work finding a way to have all these disparate songs fit into one medley without it feeling jarring. Here's to the continuation of the OSC!! :D
  • @Marblemations
    “That was beautiful! You pass!” -Puffball BFDIA
  • @WoopDoo
    Genuinely such a wonderful tribute to the OSC at large, honored to have one of my songs included here 🥹
  • @DawDaw24
    Imagine when bfdi ends this is the credits theme
  • This is actually so cool? The fact that you managed to put together SO many different songs from across different shows in the OSC into a consistent melody is incredible, and it's really nice on the ears too!  Also I'm shocked to see my show featured on here, that's actually really neat? Either way, great job with this!
  • @MHX11
    WOAHH THE HUGE CROSSOVER and I know almost all the references :0
  • @SnowyPackel
    This turned out amazingly OMG!! Such a cool homage to this community. Thanks for including my stuff!
  • @Liam_Anim0tes
    This might be the best thing to come out of the OSC in a long time. I actually started crying listening to this. This makes me honored to be part of the OSC. Great work. Best crossover since the Dream Island Map. All of these shows have helped us become who we are today
  • @roseytheidiot
    part of me wanted to cry watching this because oh my god this community has grown so much and it all started with two kids, a trip to hawaii and a idea. i only joined this community a year ago but i love it with all my heart and this is such a cool tribute
  • Dude the transition between Keep on Cleaning and All Over Again caught me off guard Edit: And the transition from the TDI theme to The Points Are Gone?! That’s crazy
  • @Omgafr_
    I know Ive said this somewhere before, but to me this reminds me despite the constant chaos among the osc the good overshadows the bad. The OSC has come so far with one show and almost every creator has made something memorable, and contributed to the community. Seeing all these old shows made me realize how much the osc means and I don't think it should be criticized as much as it is. The creators put as much effort as possible to make us enjoy, and that's really what we should do, because like all fandoms, like all things, it'll eventually come to an end yknow? Thats why we gotta cherish it no matter how bad we think a show is. Every show equally contributed to the growth, whether its introducing people to new stylee, or even acting as a stepping stool for people to realize mistakes they shouldn't make.
  • As someone who's been watching object shows for nearly a decade, I must say: This is incredible. Great work, Morimoto.
  • I'm actually tearing up right now. It all started with BFDI, and over the course of the years, so many had taken inspiration from others and created these masterpieces. I just want to say, thank you all so much to have the courage, time, patience, and motivation to make these incredible object shows for our simple entertainment. Wow. Just Wow.
  • @OverbakdCrakr
    1:05 OH MY GOD. I did NOT expect to see my Nail Clippers' pose in here. A surprise to be sure, but a VERY welcome one.😆