Study Raises Concern Over California Tap Water

Published 2019-04-30
A new study finds that drinking tap water in California over the course of a lifetime could increase the risk of cancer. Lynette Romero reports for the KTLA 5 Morning News at 7 on April 30, 2019.

All Comments (8)
  • @DropzillaSMK
    Damn so does this mean we shouldn't shower lmao
  • @porkface6029
    Saudi Arabia is taking California’s fresh water to water their alfalfa hay. They don’t have the dirt or water for that matter to grow it in their country, so, they use our resources here then ship it back to SA for their livestock
  • The mountan snow mwlted water cali deprived farm growers&catel ranches then deverted the water into the Pacific ocean. ,later that land is up for sale cat work the land cant pay taxes of that land . oklahoma dust bowl government had farmers change the way they plowed & farmed then they lost there top soil then rich famus families baught the land way cheap for what was owed on back taxes .