US Scary Technique to Hunt & Destroy Enemy Submarines from Advanced Plane

Published 2024-07-23
Welcome back to the Fluctus Channel, where today we look at innovative ways that navies deal with deadly enemy submarines.

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All Comments (9)
  • Quite the variety of weapons to protect our naval vessels. 😃😃😃
  • Ask the Cetaceans they know where are dumbasses at all times. Up 150 couples!! Lol!!
  • They use a LOT more than sonar instrumentation to detect enemy subs. Densitometers, magnetometers, gravitometometers, and other physical anomaly detectors are used, probably even more than sound waves.
  • MAGA (西元)2024 Mr. Trump Go! Go Go!! Go Go Go!!! Welcome Sir( 長官= 先生) To 《美台口味[ SeaFood(海鮮)]》on Sunday(週日)in U.S.Taiwan(TGUSA=美台政府)Writer:J.L on(西元)2024/05/01.