David Wolfe -- Peru, Land of Life

Published 2007-04-19
David Wolfe talks about ancient Inca diet and farming while in the beautiful landscapes of Machu Picchu, Peru.

All Comments (16)
  • @LukePiala
    Exactly, hes motivating a thousands of people to go raw and god bless him for that.
  • @sleepingwhale
    WHAT is with all the haters?? go do something you love and stop spoiling things for others. David provides loads of awesome information for people to use to improve their lives without asking for anything in return. just because he provides products doesn't mean he only cares about money. JEEZ.
  • He is way beyond most people, because of his education and travel and mostly his interests,
  • @JuggaloOzi
    Having the best day ever!!! ahaha David is such a personality.
  • David is such a natural person. it is lovely to see someone that REALLY walks the talk. his understanding of Schauberger/Steiner is impressive. he is reallt drawn towards the natural way of living and the natural way of solving the problems of the world. nature has many things going on that a very few on this earth is aware of. there are many special souls here on the earth now to help humanity and especially to help the consciousness elevate to a higher frequency! explore the one you are and ask the right questions and you will be suprised how your life can turn into pure magic and synchronicitys happen all the time. learn more about how naure uses implosion and suction and seek out the truth it has always been inside of you, you just havent remembered it yet!
  • @Andrew_P86
    huge difference between GMO corn, conventional corn, organic corn, and the organic corn grown on Machu Picchu. David Wolf is amazing. Glad he went there
  • @Mongodelight
    Smoothie recipe: coconut meat, cacao goji berries, apple(local), dates, honey(local) one cayenne pepper I ve bit on some pasta to try of my brother(2month raw) and i didnt recognize any flavour. Just salt. After a few times chewing it tasted like barf. Its so amazing that the human body can survive on that garbage.
  • @Mclark593
    Your right, naturally grown foods are better for you. You go to your local organic store and buy them, shit, I meant to say buy from David Wolfe.
  • @Yellowtable101
    if u actaully listen to him he does not solely indorse his products he encourages people to grow their own food ...chocolate has little caffein for the much you eat. often people cant get these high nutrient foods and he is providing education about them...foods we have grown away from eating which are important for development.