Insulin Treatment in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Publicado 2019-07-16

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @1973inoue
    One of the best diabetes insulin lectures I've ever watched. Thank you so much.
  • @GoldenTuLipps
    Thank you so much for this webinar Dr. Umpierrez. I’m a brand new NP working in Diabetes Management and I’ve learned so much from this video and I thank you for this priceless wealth of knowledge that you provided. Thank you !
  • This video was SO helpful for familiarizing myself with the different medications and insulin treatment in type 2 diabetes patients as part of my new job as a diabetes educator! Thank you SO much!
  • @dom4638
    great practical video, very helpful, well done!!
  • @dom4638
    wonderful, clinically applicatble, clear approach, ty
  • Thank you for the lesson. I am new to primary care and this was a great review.
  • @DOC7ORT
    Muchas gracias y agradecimientos, excelente presentación.
  • @sunving
    thank you Doctor . It is wonderful lecture, and practical.
  • @sky16678
    Super excellent lecture sir....appreciate the effort u have taken ....
  • Sir is there any criterias to shift pt. From insulin to oha. Although rare
  • @yasminsa8476
    Please can you tell me how can I order these herbs??
  • @nrg-5003
    Under no circumstances should type 2 diabetics be given insulin, why do you think their body's have become insulin resistant? It's because their insulin levels are already far too high that is why they have become diabetic! Type 2 diabetes is a high insulin problem and the high glucose/sugar is just a consequence of this, you need to get the insulin levels down and back in normal range and leave the high glucose to sort itself and the way to achieve that is by reducing your stress levels, intermittent fasting, severely cutting down on carbohydrate (sugar) intake in other words eat a keto/carnivore diet and not foods or drink that cause your insulin/glucose to spike (pretty much carbohydrates and sugar which are the same thing!) and finally stay hydrated and get plenty exercise!