My Life with ADHD: Dealing with Depression

Gettin real personal in today's My Life with ADHD vlog, where I discuss depression. Talking about sources and ways to mitigate artist depression

コメント (21)
  • 'I even ate lunch' As if it's an extra right now. It's one of the things that goes out of my daily things to do as well when I get depressed. Super relate.
  • @olimay
    Hi, I found your video by literally searching “ADHD depression”. I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, and have experienced anxiety and depression since I can remember. Although I’m not in the art community I relate to a very large amount of what you describe in your experiences—especially the parent not being able to support, and responding with religion. I guess where I’m different is that when I am anxious or depressed, I become avoidant and much more distractible. I think it is because it feels like I have such a poor track record of controlling anything, having neither stability or something along the lines of a normal life narrative to fall back on. Even so, I think hearing what you go through will help me figure out how to approach my own situation. Thanks for sharing this. I wonder if some day where we can have a society where most people are aware of mental health issues and know how to support and listen.
  • I have ADHD and I'm trying to figure out what in the hell is going on in my brain. This video just helped me connect to a part of myself that has been dead for a long time. I am depressed, I have been my entire cognizant life as well, and I feel like I can get help now. I know I'm just one person, but today you had an impact on a 30 year old factory worker in Indiana. I know your frustrations are still valid so take it for what it's worth, but I just wanted you to know. I can subscribe but I can't guarantee I'll watch every video or comment on many, but I'll do what I can handle right now to show my appreciation. Thanks.
  • I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression my whole life, I was diagnosed with both disorders as a teenager, but I was recently diagnosed with ADHD, being on adderall I’m having to learn how to deal with these in totally different ways, thank you for your video, gives me a better idea of how they’re all related
  • @caseycat
    I'm an artist with severe adhd and depression. This video really helps me. I seriously appreciate it.
  • Wow, I admire your openness and honesty. I only suffer from anxiety alone but your story and personality are inspiring anyway! (What I do is always trying to cope somehow, not giving things up altogether but trying to push forward.) 💪
  • I have suffered with depression on and off for years, so in some ways I do know where you're coming from. At times I feel that I'm in a very long dark tunnel fighting to find my way out into the light. During those dark periods, I have no motivation, my self esteem is zilch etc etc., and I'm in this vicious depressive circle that is very hard to break out of. I have had CBT therapy and have the coping mechanisms when I get to rock bottom. I make a timetable and put down achievable tasks to do at a certain point in the day. For example, get out of bed at 8a.m. Have a shower and get dressed by 9 a.m. etc. Make sure I eat. Get out of the house, go for a walk, go to the shop for groceries, visit a friend etc., because sitting alone in the house only fuels my depression. Reward myself when I've achieved something........e.g. have a cappuccino at the coffee shop. Working from home is at times a very lonely way of life. Perhaps you can try and take a break at midday, go out of the house and get some fresh air, even if you only have a brisk walk around the block - assuming that in your neighbourhood, it is safe to do so. If you have loads of pressing matters that you need to attend to, but cannot face doing them, choose one thing, break it down into various steps and write these down. Do one step at a time, tick it off the list, then give yourself a pat on the back for achieving that step. I sincerely hope that you have at least one really good friend that you can talk to. Here in the UK, we have charitable organisations such as The Samaritans. We are able to phone them 24/7 and talk to someone who understands, they will listen and help you get through that very dark moment that you may be currently going through. Try not to catastrophise etc., over things as that only fuels the depressive state. Hope you are soon back to your usual self. Take care. Forgot to say........many thanks for being so open and sharing these problems with us.
  • Talking about the problems in the industry isn't "unprofessional", it's the first step in solving those problems. I do reviews and commentaries about stories and my goal is to make myself better at it by seeing what's done right and wrong, even on things I don't much care for personally. It is hard when you research and put work into it and get no response. It's happened for me more than once, and you why you keep doing it. But I do it for the same reason I make comics, because I like doing them and want to make more. Plus I'm just stubborn. :)
  • I haven't even finished the video and already it is making me feel so much better about my situation. Her comments on how her depression manifests differently than how people are taught to recognise it immediately changed my whole mindset - I had never thought of it like that. I related, also immediately, when she said it manifests in making her angry, frustrated and self-loathe. I am currently in the middle of a depression cycle and I was so confused and frustrated because it wasn't the same as it had been in the past. I couldn't recognise these feelings of anger, frustration... because my previous episodes have always been related to school/work etc. and now that I've finished high school, I feel it's more related to my everyday life as an adult and a lot more emotional. So, in my blind frustration, I have been desperate to find out how to 'fix' this, and so I found this video. Thank you so much, I've never understood when people say "you're not alone" - that's never comforted me. But I understand it now, thank you!
  • Thank you so much for posting this. I've been trying to soak in as much information as possible to deal with my depression and potentially ADHD. Also, sending good energy your way ✌.
  • @eviejean8
    Thank-you so much for your candid honesty. What you are saying is how I feel when I'm overwhelmed with life and my emotions are feeling so strong and then I feel depressed as a result.
  • I find your videos very helpful. 💟 I appreciate your honesty and understand how brave you are sharing how you are feeling. My depression and anxiety are sometimes triggered by specific things like an unexpected bill or sometimes I just wake up wearing that ugly coat of depression for no reason I can put my finger on. I am grateful for your art tutorials, your product reviews and your honest sharing of your struggles as you work so hard to build a viable career. Sincerely I thank you. Don't stop making videos.
  • @googarc
    thank you for this video Becca, I feel so related
  • @AnInkGuy
    Your views and subscribers are good. With over 1000 subs you are in the top 5% of creators on YouTube. Be proud of that.
  • @tmw7550
    Thanks for sharing this is great very vulnerable and helpful for what I’m also feeling thanks 😊
  • I really appreciate this video because I struggle with the exact same thing and this resonated with me A LOT
  • Totally appreciate literally everything single thing you’ve said there ! Sending love from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 you literally are me ! You are good enough and I totally get that you never get anything in return it sucks ! Hope you’re ok L x
  • I also have ADHD. I work in a completely different field BUT I can so relate to how you're feeling depressed.. when I get depressed I find it so hard to pinpoint or express why I'm depressed.. your video and the "vent" really help me understood why I'm feeling so down.. thank you ☺
  • Thank you for this video, this made me realize that I am not alone