Beekeeping | How To Harvest Your Own Swarm Cells & How To Mark Your Queen

Published 2021-11-02
Beekeeping can be very expensive if you have to buy your own replacement queens. I'll show you how to harvest your own swarm cells for making splits next spring and how to mark your new queens.

Beekeeping classes are so important because honey bees are facing so many challenges in today's environment. Beekeepers need to know their stuff to avoid losing their hives and their investment in beekeeping. IF you are serious about beekeeping then get serious and take my Ultimate ONLINE beekeeping course. Check it out here:…

Our Winter-Bee-Kinds will be going back on-sale for the 2021-2022 winter season soon, keep checking. Check out the link:…

Subscribe To My Channel Please & Hit My Notification Bell:

Watch my beekeeping video on how to extract, strain and bottle honey:
   • Beekeeping Extracting Honey, How To T...  

Be careful not take too much honey from the hive. Be sure and watch this video:
   • Beekeeping | How Much Honey Should Yo...  

📘Get a copy of our new autographed copy of our beekeeping book, Backyard Beekeeping, Everything You Need to Know to Start Your First Hive.…


DISCLAIMER: Some links in this description might be affiliate links which means if you purchase a product or service using a link I provide, I may receive a small commission. There is no extra charge to you. Thank you so much for supporting my channel which enables me to continue to produce more videos for you.

Burlap For Smoker Fuel:

Queen Push In Cage From Amazon:

Ambient Weather Station:

Beekeeping Honey Extractor:
Cold Uncapping Knife:
Honey Scraping Tool:

🧃Hydration Drink For Those Hot Days Inspecting Your Hives:

The Burlap Smoker Fuel I Love To Make My Smoker Happy And My Bees Calmer:

J-Hook Hive Tool:

☕️My Coffee Making Stuff☕️
My Coffee Grinder:
My Favorite Green Beans I Roast:

🎥 My Camera Gear Used In My Videos 🎥
Oh my gosh, I love my Canon M50 Mark II camera that I use to make my beekeeping videos. If you enjoy beautiful pictures or videos of your bees you'll love this camera. For the cost, by far I am so happy with this camera.
My camera -
Lenses -
Lenses -
Lighting -
Tall Tripod -
SD Card -
Power Solutions -
Power Solutions -
Small Rig -
Small Rig Handle -
Mic -
Camera Monitor -
Batteries -

The Alien Shirt I Wear Sometimes:
My Beekeeping Cowboy Hat & Veil:

👍We have a few openings to BeeTeam6. Hurry and sign up fast if you are interested in having me help mentor you with your beekeeping endeavors:

📬If you'd like to send something to add to the store front to spruce up my back drop, send it to David Burns, PO BOX 254, Catlin, IL 61817

If you are new to beekeeping or you keep failing, I strongly recommend you take my Ultimate ONLINE Beekeeping Course.…

❤️❤️Take one of our Beekeeping Course. Taught by EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns. Since the pandemic continues, be safe, stay home and take our online beekeeping courses:

All Comments (21)
  • @jimjim7708
    Remember science is a method of observation not a religion. Thanks for all the great videos.
  • @sledmaker02
    Your coffee time is an eye-opener as a mind-opener thank you for the insight.
  • @nikigores8774
    Hi David, appreciate the coffee talk...great point!
  • @MY-lc8zf
    I am subscribed to you and a few other youtube beekeepers and y'all are my beekeeping club.
  • @bradgoliphant
    Living with a an attitude of Open-Mindedness is what sets us free. We let go of our "beliefs" which are always based on perceptions and not truth. Well said David.
  • @Kevin_Dyke
    Man all these great videos are perfect for when I start my 2 hives next spring!
  • Wisdom! Thank you for the information sir; bees and life. Be blessed.
  • I'm glad you brought up the findings with Ag chems. A resent study showed how bees collect certain pollens and tree resins that are added to their honey for heath, healing and detoxing their bodies. As the researchers found honey is the bee's pharmacy and sunflower pollen was the most wanted of the other pollens or tree resins.
  • @Peter_Gunn
    Good video and coffee time. I wish everyone could be more open minded. Stop all this decisiveness. The world would be such a happier place.
  • Thank you for sharing your bee wisdom an life lessons. Spring of my 6th year bee keeping. You have been such a huge help over the years.
  • @johnlawler3353
    Awesome that you did this video. I’m going to dive into queen raising next year so along with grafting I want to have as many tools in my toolbox that I can get.
  • @MissDaizeymae
    Well I'm saving this vid for when we can all work our bees again! I have a hard time spotting my queen and have never been able to catch her. I'm trying it your way!
  • @paulajones6366
    You can always learn something new! Especially about bee keeping. I’m still looking to identify my queens.