How Does Gravity Warp the Flow of Time?

Published 2021-02-10
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There’s a deep connection between gravity and time - gravitational fields seem to slow the pace of time in what we call gravitational time dilation. And today we’ll explore the origin of this effect. And ultimately, we’ll use what we learn to understand how curvature in time - this gradient of time dilation - can be thought of as the true source of the force of gravity.

#space​ #generalrelativity #einstein

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Hosted by Matt O'Dowd
Written by Matt O'Dowd
Graphics by Leonardo Scholzer, Yago Ballarini, Pedro Osinski, Adriano Leal & Stephanie Faria
Directed by Andrew Kornhaber
Assistant Producer: Setare Gholipour
Executive Producers: Eric Brown & Andrew Kornhaber

End Credits Music by J.R.S. Schattenberg:    / @jrsschattenberg  

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All Comments (21)
  • @brine_909
    “Your feet will age 1 second more" bold of you to assume I don't spend most of my time laying around
  • @BM-jy6cb
    Today is a personal best - I managed to follow along for 90 seconds before my brain threw in the towel.
  • @alanfoxman5291
    I love how the practical effect of this is that GPS satellites have to account for the time dilation effect in order to continue providing accurate coordinates/directions. When people ask what good all this theoretical physics is, that's my favorite example to give.
  • Paused to watch -Can we break the universe?-, Paused THAT to watch -The Geometry of Causality-, How deep will this rabbit hole go? [edit: Thanks for the likes]
  • @tayzonday
    The animation team should get an Emmy nomination.
  • @NeoCyrus777
    "It's 2am, I'll just watch something calm and relaxing to help me fall asleep." Instead I was foolish enough to watch a physics video that melted my brain.
  • @lexsteel12
    All this science, blows my mind. I find it fascinating. I truly wish I had the brain power to process all this information.
  • @djbme83
    Of all physics topics I've been exposed to in my life, time dilation has always been the most fascinating to me.
  • @markozagar
    Blast! A physics cliffhanger! Now I'll have to sit on the edge of my seat until the next episode!
  • Thank you for revisiting this, Matt! What got me hooked on PBS Space Time was that series of videos on E=Mc^2 presented by Gabe, and I watched those many times. Your approach is very helpful and interesting.
  • Love this channel and its host. Filled with brilliant brain busters and really insightful. Thanks spacetime.
  • @Pravtok
    You underestimate how much of my life I spend in a horizontal position.
  • @AtheistExpert
    I'm not actually late, thats just the curvature of time professor.
  • @joshyoung1440
    I think I've just realized why these videos are especially educationally important- it's BECAUSE they don't dive into inaccessible math, and instead focus on the part that academic courses can't as easily address: conceptual understanding. I was on the most accelerated math track in high school, skipping a total of two years and taking Calc 2 as a junior. Took advanced physics courses too (I was supposed to skip a year of that but had scheduling conflicts). And let me tell you, not to knock the education that I got, but it would have been SO MUCH MORE useful and comprehensive if I would have had the gazillion brilliant analogies and visualizations and everything else that makes this the most conceptually explanatory series I've ever seen. Again, not that teachers don't do a great job, but they just don't typically have the advantage of a highly educated creative team- it's mostly just them. These might have changed my future in ways that I would give anything for now. So yeah, this stuff is absolutely a scholastic treasure trove, and a truly good physics teacher would assign these as homework or watch them in class.
  • @candented
    Best buy explanation I've seen in a short video. Great imagery and science! Thank you!
  • @emilishka4
    I just wrote up this long comment about how I've never understood how the photon clock generalizes to other orientations and then to prove my point I turned the clock on its side (i.e. parallel to motion) and did the math and found that it still works out. You win this time Einstein...
  • @Raytheus
    This, combined with Veritasium's video entitled "Why Gravity is NOT a Force" are two of my most favourite videos of all time! Edit: But so is the latter’s video on how it is impossible to measure one-way speed of light!
  • @BennyBen9
    You have great analogies. Which akes it a lot easier to understand . Thanks
  • @Lertic
    This video was brilliant! The visualisation was awesome and made it easier to understand the concept of time dilation.