Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel πŸ”―[ WARNING ] Warning Terrifying Sounds and End Times Trumpets In USA TODAY!

Published 2024-05-24

All Comments (21)
  • Praise the name of Jesus Christ Amen πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ™Œ thank you Bishop for
  • @Noone-rt6pw
    You know, when your life seems in jeopardy, where there’s possibility of something shutting down and odds are stacked against you, where you might be shutting down, where you’re body will no longer have life, where you are now entering the β€œUnknown Zone”, where you’re not knowing how G-d will judge you, this thing becomes serious. But it can be comforting too. I appreciate this sermon.
  • @SaultoPaul
  • @user-ph1rn6nx5h
    Grass has vitamins , Remember Cattail is grass . Bamboo is grass too. the grass blades have vitamins for animals
  • From the hell the rich man saw Abraham and Lazar on his bosom and he called Abraham by his name and he also recognised Lazar. This means we can recognise all people, not only in heaven but also in heaven!!!!
  • @jvlp2046
    In one of his blogs, he said, that Prophet John the Baptist did not get his authority from God the Father but from Christ Jesus because Christ Jesus is GOD (YHWH) HIMSELF... He claimed that Prophet John the Baptist was the Ambassador (Spoke person) of Christ Jesus to Mankind... but the Bible refuted that... Christ Jesus is the Ambassador (Spoke person) of God (YHWH) to mankind... (ref. John 12:49)... and many more because of his TWISTED Doctrine belief... Remember, NOTHING GOOD comes out of/from LIES... Ex-Priest is living his Life in LIES, HERESY (Biblically), and HYPOCRISY... A BLIND GUIDE, leads BLIND FOLLOWERS (Blind Obedience), all fall into the PIT (Hell).. (ref. Matt. 15:14)... He was a Self-Proclaimed ORDAIN BISHOP... He claimed he was ordained by the Ancient Assyrian Church of the East (a denomination of the Greek Orthodox Church) which was denied by the Assyrian Church and FILE A LAWSUIT against him... There is NO CHURCH (Greek, Assyrian, Roman) that would ORDAIN (invest, bestow, anoint, consecrate) a SUSPENDED PRIEST because of his Biblical HERESY, DISOBEDIENCE to the Order of Priesthood and INSUBORDINATION to his Former Church's Authority who ordain him as a PRIEST (NOT BISHOP) into a Higher Level of Spiritual Office in Priesthood... He was ordained as a PRIEST in 2009 and permanently suspended (ex-communicated) as a Priest in 2014... by 2015, he founded an independent Church called CHRIST THE GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH in Australia... Facts and Truth of the Matters... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen and Amen...:face-red-heart-shape:
  • @jvlp2046
    In the Beginning, the WORD (SON of God) was with God, and the WORD is God, and the Word became FLESH and dwelt among us... (ref. John 1:1)... Therefore, God Almighty (YHWH/Father) is not God's Son/Word/Christ Jesus, HIMSELF... they are 2 Separate Individual Divinity/Deities UNITED as ONE... NOT ABSOLUTE ONE (Doctrinal Heresy of Nestorianism/Oneness)... The BIBLICAL TRINITY is "3-God in 1" which means 3 Separated Individual Divinities/Deities such as the Father (YHWH), Son (Word/Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are UNITED as ONE and not Absolute ONE... UNITY does not mean EQUALITY... God (YHWH/Father) is still the GODHEAD, GOD OF GODS, JUDGE AMONG GODS (ref. Deut. 10:17 / Psalm 82)... Christ declared and acknowledged, "My Father is GREATER than I." (ref. John 14:28) Just like 2 Separate Individual Bodies, Husband/Man and Wife/Woman are UNITED as ONE SOUL/SPIRIT through the Sacrament of Matrimony/Marriage... likewise, Christ Jesus is the GROOM, and God's Church is the BRIDE, they are UNITED as ONE BODY of Christ Jesus... (ref. 2 Corin. 11:2 / Rev. 21:2 and 17)... God is the God of TRUTH... God (YHWH) does not LIE, PRETEND, or DISGUISE someone, HE is not... God (YHWH) is always HIMSELF and forever God... "God does not change....(ref. Malachi 3:6 / Psalm 48:14)...even when God (YHWH) visited Abraham in Human form, God never pretended or disguised someone else... The HERETICAL TRINITY is "1-God in 3-Person" which means the Father (God/YHWH) is also the Son (Word/Christ Jesus) including the Holy Spirit as ONE Absolute GOD... SAME ONE / NESTORIAN CHRISTOLOGY / ONENESS... Facts and Truth of the Matter, Biblically and logically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ... Amen.:face-red-heart-shape:
  • @jvlp2046
    The Biblical TRUTH... The WORD/SON was not created/made by His Father God (YHWH), the Word/Son was with God from God's bosom from the Beginning. (ref. John 1:1 & 1:18)... In the Beginning, there are already 3 individual Divinities (the FATHER (YHWH), WORD (Son), and the Holy Spirit) United as ONE... However, in the beginning, before God (YHWH) decided to create/make Everything including Angels, the "3-God" were all occupying the same ONE Space-Time since they are ALL SPIRITS. Therefore, God (YHWH) did not LIE to Adam, Abraham, Isaac, and Moses that "God (YHWH) of ISRAEL is ONE"... until God (YHWH) decided to allow God's Son/Word to be out from His Bosom... God (YHWH) became the Father God that day when God said, "This Day/Today (God's time, not man's time) I BEGOTTEN THEE (Word/ Son)"... (ref. Psalm 2:7 /Lk. 3:22), and sent His Word/Son to manifest into the FLESH through the Holy Spirit and dwelt among us called Christ Jesus... Then, after Christ Jesus ascended back in Heaven, God (YHWH) sent down the Holy Spirit for the Christians as their Guide and Comforter while Christ Jesus sat on the RIGHT-HAND SIDE of God's THRONE till God (YHWH) send back again His Son (Christ's Second Coming) in the End Times... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.:face-red-heart-shape:
  • @jvlp2046
    The Apostles and St. Paul also WARNED Christians with these 5 important things to remember and follow with total submission... 1. "DO not go BEYOND what is WRITTEN in/from the Scripture."... (ref. 1 Corinthians 4:6)... 2, "Do not believe every SPIRIT, but TEST every SPIRIT (Pastor, Prophets, Priest, etc.) whether the SPIRIT (Teachings/Interpretations) comes from God or Not."... (ref. 1 John 4:1)... 3. "But if we (Disciples) or an Angel from Heaven teaches/preaches (Gospel/Prophecies) DIFFERENTLY, other than what we (Apostles) have Preached, Taught, and Received from us (Apostles), let the CURSE of God be upon them." (be ANATHEMA, be doomed to destruction, be condemned eternally in Hell, etc.)... (ref. Galatians 1:8) 4. Do not forget... "to stand firmly and hold fast (steadfast) to the TRADITIONS (plural) that you have been taught and receive from us (Apostles) either through SPOKEN/VERBAL WORDS from the MOUTH or by WRITTEN letters/epistles of ours... (ref. 2 Thessalonians 2:15)... 5. "BEWARE of False PROPHETS, they are ravening WOLVES which come to you in SHEEP CLOTHING."... (ref. Matt. 7:15)... Facts and Truth of the Matter, Biblically and Logically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen... :face-red-heart-shape:
  • @jvlp2046
    From one of his blogs... Ex-Priest Mar Mari Emmanuel claimed and declared that "Christ Jesus is not only God, but Christ Jesus is God (YHWH) HIMSELF!"... that is BLASPHEMY!... Why?... For God is God of TRUTH... God does not LIE, PRETEND, or DISGUISE someone, HE is not... "I AM what I AM," (forever) said God (YHWH) to Prophet Moses... Therefore, for him the Father and the Son are absolutely the SAME ONE... that is HERESY (Non-Biblical) which was one of the reasons why the Ex-Priest was permanently SUSPENDED (excommunicated) in 2014, aside from INSUBORDINATION to the Ancient Church Authority were he was ordained Priest (Not Bishop) and DISOBEDIENCE to the Religious Order of Priesthood... In 2015, he founded an independent Church called CHRIST THE GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH in Australia. He was not also ordained BISHOP by the Ancient Assyrian Church of the East (a denomination of the Greek Orthodox Church) as he claimed... a LAWSUIT was already filed against him... No Churches (Greek, Assyrian, or Roman) would ever ordain (invest, bestow, anoint, consecrate) a Suspended Priest to a higher level of Spiritual Office... he was a Self-Proclaim Ordained BISHOP... He lives a life of LIES, HERESIES (Biblically), and HYPOCRISY... "Nothing GOOD comes out of/from LIES."... SATAN/DEVIL is the FATHER of LIES... (ref. John 8:44). I have nothing personal against the EX-PRIEST... As Christians, we oath to EXPOSE the Biblical TRUTH in public without COMPROMISE... including the RELIGIOUS LIFE of the person who hides the TRUTH for the sake of our Brethren in Christ... for we are our "Brother's Keepers." Facts and Truth of the Matters, Biblically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ... Amen...:face-red-heart-shape:
  • @user-rc6oq1vu1v
    Owen Keely threatened me a number time stalking I took him court magistrate said I had some type of fear he dismissed because I left to late pray for him and hayley' riches causley