Datalink in War Thunder is a bit weird...


コメント (14)
  • Data link is about communication between aircrafts, but ok 😂 I have F14 in DCS and there is a panel about data link settings and have nothin to do with fox3 missiles. Infact the buttons for tracking are all around the radar screen, in navigator seat 😂
  • @dsawf4317
    this doctor belong to the skies, not in the hospital
  • The R27ER and R27R has data link which is why the j11, su27, yak 141 and mig 29 have data link properties but only 1 as the missile use CW
  • @ibum4908
    you can fire all six missiles and then go to tac view mode and see if they all receive mid course updates or only the last two get them
  • You are missing a test case where the missile didn't guide... This leads me to believe that the missile always goes pitbull off the rails and you don't need to help guide fox 3s at all. This was the case with the Phoenix when it was first added... Sad to see Gaijin didn't update that with the latest update...
  • @vikterr84
    If i have 2 DL on the SU27. How can i fire 2 27ER at different targets? I lock the target and fire and as i want to lock another target i have to break the first lock and the missile miss? How does it work?
  • Radar is literally radio waves bruh RaDAR = Radio Detection And Ranging
  • @Emorejets
    AMRAAM has longer range? I don't know about that.