How Decoherence Splits The Quantum Multiverse

Published 2020-02-24
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Why is it that we can see these multiple histories play out on the quantum scale, and why do lose sight of them on our macroscopic scale? Many physicists believe that the answer lies in a process known as quantum decoherence.

Hosted by Matt O'Dowd
Written by Matt O'Dowd
Graphics by Leonardo Scholzer, Yago Ballarini, & Pedro Osinski
Directed by: Andrew Kornhaber
Executive Producers: Eric Brown & Andrew Kornhaber

End Credits Music by J.R.S. Schattenberg:    / @jrsschattenberg  

Does conscious observation of a quantum system cause the wavefunction to collapse? The upshot is that more and more physicists think that consciousness - and even measurement - doesn’t directly cause wavefunction collapse. In fact probably there IS no clear Heisenberg cut. The collapse itself may be an illusion, and the alternate histories that the wavefunction represents may continue forever. The question then becomes: why is it that we can see these multiple histories play out on the quantum scale, and why do lose sight of them on our macroscopic scale? Many physicists believe that the answer lies in a process known as quantum decoherence.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Rockyzach88
    Even early 20th century scientists would be blown away that we have this sort of information so incredibly accessible. This is the golden age for media like this and I hope it keeps going far into the future.
  • It's usually around the 7 minute mark when a certain wave function collapses and I can say with confidence that I don't get it.
  • @uprootboredom
    Even after losing track of just how many times the double slit experiment has been explained on this channel and elsewhere in my life, even performed, I find it astounding I can still learn something new about it. Shows you well how there's always new physics which gives me hope :).
    This clears up so much! Decoherence should always be explained in pop sci when bringing up the double-slit experiment
  • @Ole_Rasmussen
    You can hear when he starts winding up to say "space time" at the end.
  • @DaDoubleD
    This is by far the best "intuitive" explanation of quantum decoherence (and of the many worlds interpretation) I've seen so far. Thank you, amazing work!
  • Currently all histories where I intuitively grasp this are being interfered with, apparently.
  • @Valdagast
    I mourn the missed opportunity to say "I will attempt a coherent explanation."
  • @Ac_DrAgOn
    I wanted to take a break from studying Young’s Double-Slit Experiment but it seems that I was unable to escape my probable future.
  • @infidel1993
    In other words: “Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden assiduously avoided, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control. Which has led you, inexorably, here.”
  • @Lokrion
    I wish a coherence/decoherence interpretation of the "Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser" experiment was also included.
  • 7:37 "Got it" Yeah, I got it, I got ... s*** I lost it. I am Tyler Durden's total lack of comprehension.
  • This is the clearest as well as briefest explanation of the “ non-collapse “ of wave function I have ever heard! Well done! 👍
  • @helloimnisha
    I didn't understand anything after 9:30 but I'm legit crying because physics is so damn beautiful. I am a physics undergrad. Because of the intense study load of college, I sometimes fail to appreciate the true beauty of physics. It gets depressing at times. Thank you for reminding me again why I have chosen to become a physicist.
  • "Got it? Sort of? Good!" Loving it. If you ever grow tired of the channel title, use this and be much more honest with your target audience!
  • @luudest
    10:05 and many more: I love the unique illustrations of Space Time and I love the show 🥰
  • @zacktackett5739
    This is by far the most understandable explanation of the double slit experiment I've ever heard! Thank you for finally making it make sense for me!
  • @peterwan9076
    The use of the action in detecting which slit the particle goes through as a decoherence mechanism (and hence the loss of interference pattern on the screen) is brilliant pedagogically. Keep it up.