Pasinaya 2017 - Seniors (Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire)

Publicado 2017-05-30
Bel-Air @ 60 - Kumikinang
Pasinaya 2017
"Memories make us look back, to relish the past. They show us how we have taken risks, how we have endured, how we have charted our own paths.
For the Bel-Air community, hearing the memories of others, served as our inspiration. They bring us a deeper appreciation of what we have today, of what we must be grateful for.
This year, we shine a spotlight n the memories f these Bel-Air residents. Their substance, their wisdom, their strength.
It is a legacy that we must uphold and treasure always. Their dreams of a community have been realized, their deepest hopes for families and friends, fulfilled." - page 1, program for Pasinaya 2017

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