Vince McMahon post-Over The Edge '99 press conference clip

This clip, which is being used to illustrate Vince McMahon's press conference the night of Owen Hart's death, was included in the "Life and Death of Owen Hart" documentary, but no other footage is available online. Paul Jay did a great job with the documentary, so please at least make sure to check out his official upload of Wrestling With Shadows if you're looking for it:    • Hitman Hart, Wrestling With Shadows  

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コメント (21)
  • When I'm asked why I'm late I'll just pull a Vince, "first of all I resent your tone".
  • Vince was extremely lucky that social media didn’t exist that time. Otherwise he would have to endure enormous amount of backlash.
  • I remember watching that event. When JR has to say 3-4 times that "this is NOT a wrestling angle", as a kid even I knew that meant something had gone horribly wrong.
  • @AB-ce5fg
    Notice how he answered half the last question because he knew Owen wasn't comfortable with it.
  • @SiL3NtJ-vf1xz
    I can see why Owen's family was pissed: No empathy from Vince whatsoever.
  • This was in 1999. If it had happened in 2020, Vince couldn't have gotten away with this attitude.
  • Considering a wrestler recently plunged to his death under his watch, I’m not sure I appreciate Vince’s tone here.
  • "Hey, Vince, Owen just died." Vince replied, "More importantly, what's the next match?"
  • All Vince needed to say was "I wasn't involved with the specifics of the rigging/stunt. I hired professionals to handle this safely, and something tragically went wrong. I can't answer what happened as I wasn't out there with Owen, but I can assure you this will be investigated thoroughly" Instead he starts speculating, attacking the person asking him why a person under his employment didn't have adequate safety, and tries to play it all high and mighty
  • Vince clearly doesn't like to answer the tough questions.
  • Wanna know why Martha Hart doesn't fuck with wwe look no further. I don't blame her at all either.
  • @staunchx
    As came out in the lawsuit (which resulted in Hart's family being awarded $18,000,000), there were no backup or safety latches implemented. This was for aesthetic purposes as Vince wanted the stunt to have a quick release. Vince had been warned against the quick release as it is incredibly dangerous. But he insisted on it anyway, then didnt even have the decency to cancel the rest of the event after the tragedy occurred.
  • The whole point is, WWE wanted a quick release so it wasn't a clunky process to get Owen out of the rig; no professional rigging expert would ever put that together because of the obvious risk involved. As a result WWE went to a hack who had next to no experience and his answer was to use a quick release clip meant for sailing that only required 6lbs of pressure on the release mechanism and as a result Owen died unnecessarily over a stupid ass stunt that never should have happened in the first place.
  • @rjm22nd
    Vince going into "Mr McMahon" mode and being a total asshole towards the lady "I resent your tone." Well I resent him putting Owen Hart in that kind of unneessary danger that cost him his life.
  • Stupid and pointless stunt, and Owen Hart never should have been demoted to a comedy act...he should have been feuding AS HIMSELF against the top stars, therefore should have never been in this situation in the first place.
  • “I’m not an expert in rigging” I wish a reporter said “well no shit that’s why we are here”
  • Teacher: Where is your homework?? 12 year old Vince: First of all I resent your tone...