Update on my container lettuce and my 2 liter bottle lettuce :)

Published 2017-02-01
Here is a quick update on my 2 liter bottle and container lettuce. Sorry it has been a bit since my last. Hope you all enjoy :)

All Comments (21)
  • The more you pick the more it will grow, a Happy medium is required to get a continuous crop. 😆 Happy Gardening, Terry.
  • @tomatnirai
  • Your lettuce bed is looking wonderful!! I learned something cool from this video and your comments! I didn't know that plant you were asking about was purslane! We have it growing wild all over the place. I had no idea it was edible!! Cool to know! Thanks!!
  • @Pigearvet
    Looks great! I am starting another lettuce,spinach garden for the Canadian winter. Found out underground stays warm.. Beautiful lettuce man..
  • Hi to everyone in the comments as I'm seeing a few familiar channels, your lettuce are looking great as I never have any luck growing them.
  • @Miss_Judy
    They are looking so nice! For some reason I missed this when it came out :( My problem is when (sigh... or if...) my plants ever grow... I will pick them too soon and kill them or pick too much off of them and kill them... sigh... I am really a dead thumb person... great video :)
  • The succulent plant with the red stem is purslane. Very edible and a treasure to have even though it's considered a "weed". I'd love to have some and will probably be seeking it out soon. Everything looks good. Some of the plants at the right end of your long planter look like radishes or turnips. Are they?
  • Wow everything looks SO LUSH!!! I'm jealous. Here in New Jersey I have to make do with my houseplants indoors and a few sad seedlings struggling to make it. Hey, are you actually getting thorns on your Palmer amaranth? Those babies surely aren't big enough to cause you any trouble even if that were really true. I have never seen thorns on Palmer amaranth or any other kind of amaranth. Sometimes when you handle the seed spike it feels a little prickly, but never painful. Anyway, if you eat them now while they are nice and tender they shouldn't give you any trouble at all. That succulent mystery plant with all the little oval leaves is called Purslane; it's an edible "weed" like the Palmer amaranth. I can't be sure what you have there in the first part of the video with the ferny leaves. Maybe when it gets bigger we can identify it better. Oh, by the way, the "lettuce" you have growing with the mystery Purslane is arugula. Everything looks nice and tasty! Now all you have to do is decide what kind of dressing you will use on that awesome home-grown salad! Enjoy!!
  • @JoonPo
    #200 Sub! Keep up the good work!