Things musicians say to girls

Published 2015-03-10

All Comments (21)
  • @Dickey7861
    "Do you wanna hear my band?" Proceeds to play my bands song.... -____- damn it Jared.
  • @NinthCinemaDown
    "I'm really good with my hands, especially when I play the g string" For the win!
  • @Velanestar
    "how much money did you make?" "uhmmm it's not really important. .."
  • @Mendelian
    "Progressive vegetarian grind core" hahaha, pissed my fucking pants!
  • @4lemer
    John Petrucci and I had eye contact for a solid 4 seconds. It was magic.
  • @DCrkdCrwn
    Things musicians never say to girls: "I play bass"
  • @CuboidPixel
    "Hey I play the drums, and I like to bang."
  • @Immolator772
    at least they have something to say to them, i'm too shy to talk with girls.
  • @niloo23
    lol "progressive vegetarian grindcore" i guess he just meant Cattle Decapitation :P
  • @edge3220
    "Hold on, my manager's calling." walks away "Hi, Mom."
  • Once, a girl was doing some door-to-door selling her bands album, when she came to mine, I told her I was musician and that I would support their band by buying the album even though it wasn't my type of music.  I told her I was a experimental bass player, using the instrument as a lead, she seemed kinda interested. I told her I had some stuff recorded but that it was pretty bad, poor audio quality, sloppy playing, her expression changed. Finally I asked her if she wanted to hear me play some of my music to her, she turned around and just walked away without saying a word. I regretted buying the album immediately after and I never even once listened to it.
  • Typical conversation: * Me and [random girl] chatting about life * Me: So, what music do you listen to? Girl: I like [insert musician/band name here]. What about you? Me: Oh, uh... I just listen to metal. Girl: Oh, that's cool. What bands do you like? Me: Well, I like this one band called Periphery... Girl: Who are they? Me: They're kind of a tech-y metal band, they play in a style called 'djent'... Girl: Oh, nice... * UNBREAKABLE AWKWARD SILENCE *
  • I once had a dude at a party basically undress me with his eyes and then made out he was looking at my slayer shirt by going "DUDE I LOVE THAT BAND! MY BAND COVER THEIR SONGS ALL THE TIME!" And I was like "oh really what songs of theirs have you covered?" And he replied with " know...all the big, most famous songs by them...." I cracked up laughing and was like "you've never heard of slayer before have you..." And we ended up bonding over slayer and becoming best friends and I hooked him up with one of my friends and they've been together for about 3 years now 😆
  • @grajy
    "Do you have a boyfriend? Coz I could probably out shred him..."