Find Yourself Attracted to the WRONG People? WATCH THIS

Published 2022-12-15
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All Comments (21)
  • @AmandaRestivo
    You're not dating a person, you're dating a style. SO Good and true!!
  • @judyb8018
    Men who were in recovery. They struggle with their purpose. They are seeking a mother not a wife. Emotionally unavailable. Situationship not a real relationship.
  • Mathew you are correct about being with a bad boy. I was married to one for 23 years. Instead of being exciting & dangerous he was lazy, boring, out of shape, and indulged in everything to excess. Throw in that he is a narcissist and there you have it. We have been separated for over a year. I am back in the dating pool and working really hard not to discount guys for things that I have only seen a glimpse of the whole picture. I think I’m very gun shy and sometimes look at things as a red flag because the truth is…I have no idea what a healthy relationship looks like.
  • @oirauca4
    I used to think that way but then I realized that if “my type” has not worked for me for years then probably that’s not the type good for me or even compatible. Give people the chance to surprise you :)
  • @jenniferl1908
    I finally learned that most people are good but have unresolved issues and trauma and we attract them for karmic reasons. I think saying you attract the wrong people is misrepresented. There is nothing wrong with having standards and wanting a certain type of partner.
  • @evilmastar
    This is so true. The guys who actually loved me and made me happy are the ones who didn't fit my type(Physical). But mentality and compatibility matters.
  • I gave up. I'm not happy but I'm not as miserable as i would be in a relationship. I can't get hurt If I don't allow anyone in.
  • @MFarley3
    I'm attracted to people who need help but aren't ready to recieve it
  • So i am gonna tell you the story of me and my best friend. I am 23. We are friends since highschool, so like since we were 15 years old. He liked me at the time, i didnt like him back. He really tried and insisted and i just kept pushing away, but we stayed friends. We eventually dated other people and had break ups and all, while being friends. Now we are both almost finishing our masters degrees. In the last summer, our friend group was far from us, so we kept hanging out but only the two of us. And so I started getting confused about my feelings. But i didnt want to say anything because I really wasnt sure about what i was feeling and i didnt want to give them false hopes and hurt him again. But he eventually felt the same vibes and asked me on a date, just like in highschool. And this time i said yes, but i was always honest that i was so confused about what i was feeling. This would make an amazing love story and all. But it didnt. I tried everything guys. I was the one to make the first move on the date and kissed him. We kissed multiple times even and i didnt feel anything. I was honest about it and we broke things off. I hurted him once again. I cant really feel bad because we both were super honest and we knew the risks. It was an experiment. But i got so hurt too because i couldnt stop thinking "Wtf is wrong with me? Why cant I like him in that way?" And is just how it is. I do love him, i am just not in love with him. Attraction is a very complex thing in deed.
  • Your videos does help for people to have logical thinking and approach towards relationship as people often get carried away not being aware of how a relationship should actually work. Good work🙂
  • @amber4027
    Absolutely. We re-pattern our childhood love that we were shown. So unfortunately if you were modelled dysfunctional love, you have to be aware and work on that or you will re-attract that type of love bc of familiarity and subconscious need to fix that past. This is why shadow and inner child work is so important too.
  • @bibilym4514
    Have been following you guys for years now! We’re still together and we’re in a relationship! It’s so interesting because we’re both in therapy (separately) and the relationship can feel foreign sometimes because we’re used to dating either more anxious or avoidant partners due to childhood and dating trauma. We’re not initially each other’s type lol, but we communicate, are open with one another, and it feels like we’re building something…a “castle.” You guys have helped me become more secure, and regardless of what happens in my current relationship, I want to say, thank you!
  • OMG - I feel like you guys open up my brain and rummage through all my thoughts and feelings!! Every session is so pertinent and soooooo helpful - it won't be long until y'all have turned me into a Normal Person with a Real Love Life instead of one who continues reliving the series of dumpster fires I've survived in the past!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! YTB❤️
  • Most of the things we find desirable are things we have been conditioned to desire in society or due to familiar experiences. People who “just aren’t attracted” to a certain race are mostly being influenced by the oppression of that race. We have to push outside those limitations to truly discover ourselves.
  • @ladyd6610
    A kiss is a threshold. If you're lucky as this girl than great. But if you don't like a kiss nothing will help. It's nothing to do with logic or types🤷🏼‍♀️
  • @firelily77
    My parents were married 51 years before my dad died. Im on my second marriage of 17 years and neither have been successful. I was modeled a very successful marriage but for some reason my experience has been totally different.
  • @amyhoover9
    Honestly, that last point Matthew made about seeing the whole picture instead of picking apart my trauma was very comforting to hear.... It's easy for me to get caught up in my own negative self-talk at times. I know that my emotions aren't always reliable. I also know that my intuition isn't something I should avoid or repress. Getting out of this hellish trauma bond that my brain has created only seems to work once I've gained some distance and time away from said person. It doesn't help that I have to work with him, but I have a plan in mind. This current state I'm in won't last forever....
  • I have a type and it’s blonde, tall avoidant boys with blue eyes who like to travel 😅 Two of them even had the same first name and were from the same city 😳 After a couple of times of that I’ve finally broken the pattern after lots of internal work and therapy 💕 I can say that breaking the mold has worked so far!