Latest in Cloud Tech

Published 2024-05-03
Office Hours cloud experts will discuss the latest cloud trends and the future of cloud production in this roundtable discussion.

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00:00 *** Latest Cloud Trends and Cloud Production Roundtable ***
00:32:48 AWS software automation
00:35:55 Vizrt Vectar reliability
00:38:36 Cloud production solutions
00:40:51 Syncing SRT feeds
00:42:14 Small team cloud production
00:44:59 vMix in the cloud
00:45:52 Cloud editing tools
00:49:41 Bitfocus Companion review
00:50:14 SpaceCommz beta features
00:53:36 Hiring cloud operators
00:56:51 Cloud audio platforms
00:58:42 Cloud source integration
01:00:52 Cloud media services comparison
01:01:33 Cloud mixing latency
01:01:56 GDPR-compliant cloud backup
01:02:53 VST plugins in cloud

Cloud technology trends
AWS automation
Vizrt Vectar system
Cloud production pipeline
SRT feed synchronization
REMI production
Cloud editing tools
Bitfocus Companion
SpaceCommz features
Cloud-based operators
Cloud communication platforms
Media data backup
VST plugins in the cloud
AWS Elemental Media Services
Telestream Wirecast Gear

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