The Covenant with Noah | Dr Peter Gentry (Kingdom Through Covenant 1)

Published 2018-02-12
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This lecture on the Covenant with Noah was given by professor and author Dr. Peter J. Gentry of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The material reflects his book Kingdom Through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants from Crossway (co-written with Dr. Stephen J. Wellum).

In this book, the authors propose a middle ground between Covenantal Theology and Dispensational Theology in what they call 'progressive covenantalism.'

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All Comments (5)
  • @Laura_r53
    Maybe if they can delete the video and repost after the increase in audio, that would be much appreciated.
  • @joecipriani2478
    First - all of God's covenants are unilateral. God sets terms and conditions. We accept/reject - but cannot change. Second - New Covenant is a Will (Heb. 9:16-17). A testator (Christ) alone can set terms and must do before death. Third - once ratified no one can change (Gal 3:15). (Thus all Ten Commandments are still binding.) Fourth - Mt. Sinai covenant was 'conditional' because Israel was not yet ready to enter into a love relationship. Being slaves for 400 years - motivation for obedience was the hope of reward or fear of punishment. Love CANNOT exist in this environment but God needed Israel to see their helplessness. Fifth - The message of circumcision is we cannot fulfill God's promises by human effort. (Sarah - God's promise | Hagar - Abraham's human effort). Sixth - the difference between Mt. Sinai and the new covenant is recognizing our need for a new heart. The terms of the Ten Commandments NEVER change because AGAPE LOVE never changes. Our love is conditional. God's is not. THUS the same voice which said do not commit idolatry also said to remember to keep my Seventh-Day Sabbath holy. [Why remember? Because Christ sanctified it at Creation. Only God can make something holy. Paul himself made that clear.] Old Covenant - obedience is to earn salvation - motivated by fear of punishment or hope of reward... New Covenant - obedience is the fruit of salvation - a love response to what God has already done... Grace - what God has done for us Faith - our love response to God's grace Works - telling others about God's grace and faith which reveals God's work of changing the human heart. Psalm 51:1 - blot out my transgressions Psalm 51:10 - create in me a clean heart The Cross is NOT a legal transaction declaring a guilty party innocent. It is a healing action. Go read the story of the serpents in the wilderness. When they looked at the brazen serpent - they were healed and impervious of the serpent's bit. They were not declared legally innocent while they still have an unconverted heart.