The Beatles EMI Audition 6th June 1962 at Abbey Road with George Martin - Part 1

Published 2023-06-06
The Beatles EMI Audition on 6th June 1962 was a landmark moment in Beatles history. It brought them together with George Martin, Parlophone A&R man, but it also signalled the beginning of the end for Pete Best in The Beatles.

In Part 2 of his analysis examining Beatles history, David Bedford examines what happened on that historic day, when John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Pete Best entered EMI Studios, but it wasn't as easy as they had hoped.

Ron Richards put The Beatles through their paces and, once George Martin had joined them, everything changed, especially for Pete Best.

But what was the reason that Pete Best's career was about to come to a conclusion and why?

All Comments (21)
  • Don't miss Part 2 with interviews with Ken Townsend, Norman Smith and George Martin
  • I found this tonight by accident. I enjoyed it! I am a First Generation Beatles Fan from the 60's. Thanks for posting!
  • @jamescpotter
    And we all know from the lads that Ringo sat in for Pete in Hamburg and the threesome KNEW from the visceral feel and pulse Ringo's drumming how good it sounded and felt. So hiring Ringo was a no brainer. Paul, George, and John knew each other for years and hired Pete as a hired gun in the 11th hour so they could play in Germany. How attached and loyal they were to Pete, well, I leave this perspective to historians. But they loved Ringo. We know the rest of the story.
  • I met Pete in Warren, Michigan at a Beatle Fest thing. Around 1990. A perfect gentleman, and very personable with us. I had him sign my original 1964 "Meet The Beatles" LP cover.
  • @Parmay62
    Massive Beatles fan even before I found out their EMI audition was on the day I was born - 6th June 1962, thanks for the research Dave
  • @mustafa1name
    Great insight into some of the subtleties of the situation which many commentators overlook. Dave has empathy for all the participants, and this allows him to understand not just what happened, but why. Presented cogently, realistically and dramatically - again, not qualities all Beatles biographers possess. Classy.
  • @davebenz8271
    I met Pete in Liverpool in 1994. I was impressed with what a personable and genuinely nice guy he was. I hope that he is pleased with his place in history; I would be.
  • @BuffaloBeatle
    Thanks for clearing the air and using actual evidence and facts to tell these stories. It’s very refreshing to see
  • @adrianm976
    Brilliant research, Dave! A truly fascinating chapter in the story. Thanks!
  • @KC-wi4gh
    This is another great video David and some fascinating facts that I would never have known. Well done.
  • @martyzielinski1442
    Of all the “stories” I’ve heard (including John’s) this is the one that makes the most sense.
  • @cc92103
    Great presentation. Glad I caught this, thank you!
  • @Achime03
    It wasn’t just about Pete’s abilities to play drums. According to John, Paul and George it was his personality which did not fit into the group. Still I think Ringo was also the better choice as a drummer anyway if you listen to his ability to translate the ideas of his bandmates. The Beatles became more colorful with him musically and in terms of charisma of the band.
  • @ReelToursUK
    Fantastic as always. Keep up the incredible work!
  • I met Pete at a record store back in 1982 in El Cajon, CA. He was promoting some Silver Beatles records and signing autographs.
  • @johnranes6938
    Great Story David, I definitely need to see more of your videos. As an American, I was immersed into the "whole thing" when my parents sent me to England in the Summer of 1962 to live in London with my Grandmother....from Aug 1962 to Oct 1963 I lived in East Ham/Forest Gate and started listening to music... I sailed on the Queen Mary back to the U.S. and into NYC Harbour in Oct 1963 as a 13 year old with two Beatles 45rpm records in hand...I experienced this transformation of my own development and that of the Beatles first hand. No One in my school knew who I was talking about (Junior HS in Washington DC)..... Thank you... Now I am curious as to the other auditions that they did besides Deca..
  • @emmapicara9527
    Brilliant, thanks. Born in 1963 I lived through most of it but didn't know!
  • @BogartSlap
    You have to give George Martin a LOT of credit for recognizing the potential of a band that was just barely beginning to hit its stride.
  • @idaslpdhr
    Thank god they picked Ringo, otherwise we wouldn't have all those amazing beats, the most underrated drummer in history
  • This is one of the most interesting video i have ever found in internet. In my opinion, nobody knows the truth . However, all the Beatles fans , love both Pete and Ringo ; i would love , before will be too late , to see them together ,with Paul . Even for few songs , but TOGETHER !