Farmer Spends $16,138 on a Barn Cat

Published 2023-03-23
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PO Box 225
Peacham, VT 05862

About Gold Shaw Farm: Gold Shaw Farm is more of a farm-in-progress than an honest-to-goodness farm. We dream that someday we can transform our 150+ acre parcel of land into a regenerative and productive homestead and farm.

IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE: Hey, it's Morgan. I’ve always believed in transparency, so I am disclosing that I’ve included certain products and links to those products on my YouTube that I will earn an affiliate commission for some purchases you may make. When you buy products with these links, you help support our farm.

All Comments (21)
  • I will say, I don't consider you a cat person or a dog person, I consider you to be an animal person. You see to have a great deal of respect and empathy for all animals.
  • @Katie-mz9ic
    I work in a vet clinic and I'm honestly amazed Lil Barncat survived as long as she did without medical care. Its truly amazing how strong she is and I'm so glad she is okay ❤️
  • Spent my retirement fund on cancer operations and treatments for my dog. His name was Marjorie's Samwize Gamgee and he had " carried " me up the mountain to throw a ring ,so to speak, in the fire. Thank goodness he was with me. Now I have another mountain to climb and Litlbit is with me...she is a little bit like Samwize. So I understand how anybody can spend their last dime to care for their companion that has given so much of themselves in service.
  • @jessicap4998
    I lost my cat of 14 years a few months ago. It left a huge hole in my life. They are family, not 'just animals'.
  • I do believe that you have developed a semi-tolerance to cat dander. My son is allergic to cats but decided to adopt a stray cat that had languished at a local shelter for almost a year. Her outer ears had been surgically removed due to infections and no-one wanted her because of her appearance. He named her Eerie. This was 2 years ago, and he has gradually gotten less reactive, and he loves that cat and vice versa. Wonderful outcome for you and Lil too!
  • @GTaichou
    Facetiming the cat... I know it will sound so silly, but I promise you they know the voice of the people they love. The call may have helped Lil as much as it helped you. I'm so so glad you took the opportunity 💖
  • @Birddude88
    I’m so glad that I contributed to the save Lil fund! It was clear then how much you care for your animals and I’m happy she’s still doing well, along with you
  • My daughter is studying Microbiology at UVM, and something interesting she told me - coincidentally- just the other day that I HAD to share with you after watching this... Chickens can produce an antibody that neutralizes cat allergies specifically. She said something like if the cats eat the egg yolks, and the chickens are exposed to cats regularly, it will make the cats "less allergic" to someone with a cat allergy. Might be your balanced farm eco-system that is helping you out!
  • Knowing that Lil Barn (House) Cat is alive and well today is the only way I could watch this without turning into a soggy mess. Kudos to you for your dedication and love for her (and all your other animals). This was a very good bit of story-telling, great use of past footage: very well done!
  • Facetiming your sick cat is completely natural. When my dog was a puppy he got sick and almost died, had to spend a week at the vet taking fluids by IV. I visited him every single day and I would video chat with each of my parents separately so they could see how the puppy was doing. Just the sound of your voice can make the difference to give them the strength to live.
  • @freedomcat
    you are never a cat person a cat chooses you and you become their person.
  • I lost my sweet boy to cancer on 1/29/23. He was the most affectionate kitty that ever walked the earth. He was a Tabby like Lil. This video made my heart full and warm with memories of him. I’m so glad Lil Barn Cat is enjoying her retirement ❤️ love your cats and your videos, Morgan! thanks for posting
  • @Italonino
    Pablo the Groucho turns into a teddy bear with Alison. Money is no object when love is involved, Lil is a treasure as Pablo, Ginevra and Molly are as well. Lil is also part of the greatest moment in Gold Shaw Farm's history. Her reaction to Toby's arrival on the farm is timeless. Along with Alison's laser eyes, probably the best video you've made.
  • @mp-hc7uh
    I applaud you for standing up and taking responsibility for a little life in need. We all need to remember that when we take on any animal we promise to do what is right and do the best we can for them.
  • I am a dairy farmer, so as much as I love your videos and story's it is hard to find time to sit and enjoy your longer videos. I am sitting here enjoying my morning coffee and my wife noticed your new post and said can we watch it. 20mins later my wife is crying and you pulled on my heart strings. I want to thank you for this video. I hope you understand that aside from farm life videos, you are a excellent spoke person for all livestock farmers. We can have a lot of negativity around our lifestyle and you let people know just how much we care. Thank you.
  • How well I remember when she got hit. I cried with you. I had lost a cat to a driver that went off the road to hit him... our neighbors found him and came and got me.... The hurt was so deep... I'm happy she made it!!!😂 Thanks for a good story,with a happy ending.😊
  • @lms1068
    It's amazing what they can survive. Our baby was hit last year, survived and required 3 separate jaw surgeries. She had buttons stitched to her face holding the top jaw together and her bottom jaw wired shut. She is the fiestiest, hardiest, most determined to survive kitty you'll ever meet. She's my favorite child.
  • I lost a cat that I loved more than any other pet I've ever had about a year and a half ago. I now have a five months old kitten. After watching this, I'm looking at my kitten and thinking about the one I lost, and hearing Lil's story, the tears started. Somehow these little creatures have a way of worming their ways into our hearts. I understand that love and I understand how you aren't always aware of how or when you fall in love with them...but it happens. Thank you for sharing this. ❤❤
  • @pixiemar2931
    I didn't realise how many years I'd been watching you guys for until this video, it's been a real joy watching your farm flourish, and seeing how you really care for all the animals on the farm. So good to see Lil doing so well as a house cat every time she is on camera!
  • It really tugs on the old heart strings to see how bonded with, and how much you love Lil Morgan 😭 So happy she's a healthy indoor fur baby now❤ and even has her own throne! She really likes her perch doesn't she?🥰🐈