Skyrim vs. Dark Souls

The hero of Skyrim journeys into an unknown land in search of an ancient relic.

Made by Tim Senzee and Cody Reader of Half-Light Studios.

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Special thanks to:
Breanna Reader, Ryan Martinez, Shreya Carey, Josh Quick, Ed Bruno, and GenericTVChannel.

Edit on 10/28/13: We're enjoying the responses and debate the video is receiving; for the record, we here at Half-Light are big fans of both Dark Souls and Skyrim, and consider them the two best RPG/fantasy games of the last console generation. Dark Souls for the rich world and combat, Skyrim for the expansive world and variety!

コメント (21)
  • @utes5532
    I enjoy both skyrim and dark souls. I enjoy dark souls more because the gameplay actually exists and is challenging. Skyrim is pretty and entertaining, but jesus is the combat dull.
  • Yeah, I love how like 90% of the bloodstains in Dark Souls is from people falling off ledges.
  • @bocaj7766
    Skyrim: no NPC laughs Dark Souls: Everyone laughs
  • Implying I'd be stupid enough to jump off a cliff like that.
  • Skyrim with Dark Souls Combat. That would be the most epic shit ever. EDIT: Elden Ring Hopefully???
  • Skyrim: you can save anytime. Dark souls: What the hell is a save?
  • This comment section is so cringey. I love Skyrim and Dark Souls equally.They're both amazing games. Skyrim has a beautiful world, many interesting characters and places. It's also a simpler game, easier to get into, more accessible for everyone. Dark Souls on the other hand has more interesting game play, has less characters but with greater story behind them. It's also a very difficult game to get into, many people get turned away by the difficulty.  Seeing these elitist assholes on both sides makes me sad to see that they're part of two communities I love, when they should clearly go back to CoD and git gud before playing these masterpieces.
  • @Sousabird
    I love everyone arguing. I like both for different reasons. Skyrim is more relaxing, looks better, and I feel like the class system is much less rigid However, I love Dark Souls' combat style and the boss fights. Both are fun and both have great ambiance. Praise the Sun
  • @chara2038
    yet another comment saying that the chest should have been a mimic
  • You missed the point of Darksouls. 1) Dovahkiin cannot respawn at the Bonfire. He is not a bearer of the Darksign and therefore his death would be permanent. Only bearers of the Darksign respawn and go Hollow. 2) When the Darksign activates, it takes all humanity and souls, turning the ebarer into a undead. 3) Monsters are 1:1 your size? What kind of Darksouls is this? The tutorial?
  • you shouldve highlighted the rage of dieing 20 times to get to a chest, then finding a soul of the lost undead
  • At the end , I would have put a message on that Scroll reading : " Git Gud"
  • I can tell you worked really hard on this. Very nice effort, so keep it up! Also, it's fucking terrible.
  • Jesus this comment section is full of Cancer. I mean, why bother? They're completely different games, Go play your Skyrim Go play your Dark Souls.
  • @pissfrog
    are you telling me that a chest with loot like that wasn't a mimic