Homeschool Lunch Ladies - Logistics of food in our homeschool

Published 2024-03-06
Today we are sharing about how we manage the food situation in our homeschool. Between the two of us, there are nine children, and seven of those are growing boys! So, food is a big part of us managing our week, and being organized.
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Homeschool Show & Tell is a series hosted by Abby from Rooted in Rest and Jessica from The Waldock Way. Their goal with the Homeschool Show & Tell series is to share the unique beauty that is homeschooling and that there is no single way to do it.

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All Comments (6)
  • @seasonsofwonder
    Yes! So hard thinking of what to cook. And these are such great ideas. Will be applying some of rhese! ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ˜‰
  • @MsAllowayS
    Your snack plan is brilliant!! Thank you, am taking this up IMMEDIATELY ๐Ÿ˜‚โคโคโค
  • @robikanobi8358
    We have chickens too. So breakfast is usually eggs and toast. But I will occasionally by cereal and the kids will snack in that until I wake up. I work evenings. So I wake up late. Lunch is a lot of sandwiches or something quick. Today it was spaghetti and meatballs (store bought meatballs). Sometimes it is ham and cheese sliders on Hawaiian rolls. Sometimes it is soup and grilled cheese (store bought soup mostly). Sometimes I will make hamburger helper for lunch with frozen green beans, mixed veggies, or corn. I try to keep fruit available for snacks. Dinner VARIES. But it is usually usually easy stuff if I have to go to work that night. My kids don't eat a lot. Mostly because I can't afford the junk food type snacks. We only spend about $400/month for a family of 5 on groceries. We have a garden and will eat from that once it starts producing.
  • @chrisbond3900
    What a good idea, lunchboxes. I was thinking a while ago whether I should have one for my little ones. But I was thinking more of real lunches. But snacks might actually be better.thank you!
  • What I struggle the most in our home is breakfast. For myself at least ๐Ÿ˜… I never know what to eat! ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ