i love combat macro users

gamers who roleplay during combat are the funniest people i've met in mmorpgs

コメント (21)
  • @Topazzzzzz
    I dont use my summoner rez macro anymore but at the time I thought " [character name], I am legally obligated to tell you that I ain't a real doctor." Was VERY funny
  • @thewheelman84
    People have some funny ass macros. I only have a couple but my favorite is for my Gunbreaker. I say "ow i shot my foot!" whenever I use superbolide. It still makes me chuckle every time i use it lol.
  • My favorit.. "Its over (Target Player Name) i have the hallowed ground!" Use Cover on me and Hallowed Ground The only macros i dont like are something like Rez Macro with a insult etc.. can sometimes be the reason for heated moments. The best rez macro i ever see was a Yu-Gi-Oh! Joke on Astrologian (what else?) like "I use monster reincarnation to summon (Target Player Name) from my Graveyard on my field!"
  • "[character name], i resurrect you into a lalafell." had always been a favorite
  • My old raise macro used to be "i am not your mother but I will raise you."
  • @Forpus_
    I play on JP so I don’t really use them, but I have 2 ideas for any gunbreakers: - The best part of this fight was when I said “IT’S SUPERBOLIDIN’ TIME” and superbolided all over the party - The damages have ceased, and I have been graced with another beautiful HP of 1. But you are not here to heal it..
  • I especially love the macros that go off for reviving people. Mine quotes a line from GTA 4: ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS FOLLOW THE DAMN TRAIN [Revived Character name here]!!
  • @icyIIa
    met a healer who had a rev macro something along the lines of "Wake up, (Name), or there'll be no supper for you tonight!". safe to say i laughed like a maniac reading that
  • @boanoah6362
    I think my favorite was "[character name] do better." it STUNG.
  • @Local_custard
    I have a rez macro as red mage that says "I can hear Alisae's disappointment from here, [name]"
  • I've seen people say they get so annoyed by these macros and I'm like... why? It gives their WoL some flavor and sometimes the message is hilarious.
  • Macros can be hit or miss with me. Mostly I love them, and cackle like you do along with my friend, and will give our coms to that person if they really cracked us up. The best ones I've found are when they make pictures out of the macros xD Otherwise, I've run into some people advertising their FC events WHILE in the middle of a run and not doing their job (as in, they were WHM and not even using Regen/Medica/etc, just Cure 1 and 2), or just spamming with random ass noises to be funny. So yeah, mixed bag, but that one you showed off in the vid was a funny one lol
  • @KisaAngl02
    FFXIV macros are my bread and butter. ❤ If you ever find yourself unfortunate enough to be my dance partner... "Hippity hoppity you are now my property." 😂
  • I can’t believe how small the world is sometimes. I’ve played with Reiya a few times in dungeons/PF jobs. OCE is a cosy place.
  • @Xport9
    As a macro eccentric player, can confirmed.
  • First time ever seeing a passage of arms macro lol. Tempted to make one for myself
  • @tetsuotools
    i like that when you told them you laughed they did it AGAIN lmao
  • I've encountered this one luffy cosplayer like twice with a very big variety of macros like this for everything. It'd be funny if he weren't playing super poorly