George Washington, oath of office

Published 2010-06-02
A clip from the HBO miniseries.

All Comments (21)
  • @storytime6263
    "I am at your service" how a president should think and act.
  • @chaosXP3RT
    Napoleon Bonaparte declared a state of mourning in France and read a eulogy when George Washington died.
  • For people wondering why he is so quiet, it’s because of his teeth problems. He rarely or never speaks. This is why you will see painting of him not smiling
  • @Papashaft
    This man literally told us to not get involved in foreign affairs and have no political parties... we failed at that in 10 years
  • @Antraeon
    The awkward silence makes you realize that nobody in the room knew exactly what was going to happen when they swore in President Washington, because at this point nothing like this had ever been done before.
  • "Gentlemen, you will permit me to put on my spectacles, for I have not only grown gray but almost blind in the service of my country." -Washington to the Newburgh conspirators
  • @sumelk1020
    Fun fact: The producers of John Adams didn’t hire actors. They actually created a time machine, travelled to 18th century America, and recorded everything that happened there
  • @ajon6205
    This is a man who denied a throne. He could’ve lived a life of grandeur and everlasting power, but instead, he chose the people! Great, Great man.
  • @a-a-ron1155
    I love how Washington bows to the people making a symbol of the president being a servant to the American people
  • When George Washington announced he was stepping away from office King George famously said “if he does that he’ll be the greatest man who ever lived”
  • @Nukemall305
    “Tis well” is basiclly the 1700’s version of saying “it is what it is
  • @thomasdixon1369
    Washington astounded the European powers--twice. First, when he surrendered the command of the continental army, and did NOT seize power as a military dictator (as he could have easily) and secondly, when he resigned from office after his second term (there were no limits at the time).  The peaceful transference of power without the death of a monarch was a concept beyond their experience at the time.
  • @LH74
    George Washington is one of the greatest men to ever live.
  • I love that Washington took his oath not by shouting so that the crowd can hear him but with a whisper like he was vowing more to himself on his duty.
    Note how he pushes Adams to the front at the end - a man who lifts up others rather than put them down to aggrandize himself is truly a great man.
  • I’m so confused, cameras didn’t even exist back then, how is this even real.
  • @nintenofan
    Back when politicians were public servants instead of employees
  • I’m just going to list a bunch of fun facts about George Washington since we’re here: George Washington would regularly walk in the streets of Philadelphia during his presidency among the people to separate the boundaries of leader and common citizen. George Washington was extremely peculiar in his body language and enjoyed being in control of himself, meaning he hated being touched and small talk. George Washington encouraged his subordinates to criticize him. George Washington donated thousands of dollars of his own money to the creation of the first Jewish and Catholic churches in the U.S., being a strong advocate for religious tolerance and the freedom to worship. He also allowed his slaves to freely practice their own religions on Mount Vernon. George Washington was 6 foot 4, towering over his men in the field of battle. George Washington never wore a wig, he powdered his hair white and even put a covering in his collar so that the powder didn’t stick to his shirt. George Washington aimed to establish a peaceful coexistence with the Native American peoples, signing the Pickering Treaty in 1794 in hopes that his countrymen would respect the boundaries and cultures of the indigenous Indians after his death (unfortunately this would not last). George Washington was the first to sign the Constitution of the United States. George Washington was proclaimed to be one of the greatest military strategists in history by Prussian Kaiser Fredrick Wilhelm II. George Washington commanded a desegregated army to the extent where a quarter of his northern force was comprised of African Americans fighting for their freedom. George Washington envisioned the U.S. as an asylum for all people of the world to live in, openly expressing his support for foreign immigration. George Washington was a Freemason. George Washington wore civilian clothing during his presidency, an act that appalled the European monarchs who always dressed in military honors, dresses, or other royal clothing that costed more than a suburban house. George Washington was given the key to the Bastille by the French revolutionary government, it can be found in Mount Vernon on display. George Washington despised holding power, repeatedly stating how he would rather be in his grave than be proclaimed emperor of the world. George Washington was posthumously promoted to General of the Armies in 1976, a six-star rank, by means to secure that he would not be outranked by any future military personnel. George Washington’s face was plastered everywhere in the young nation during his presidency and especially after his death. Think North Korea and China except the people actually want his face in their house. George Washington stopped a potential coup d’etat against the Second Continental Congress, which would have granted him full power over the government as a despot. George Washington regularly exposed himself to enemy fire, most famously during the Seven Years’ War when French and native soldiers were firing at his soldiers in all directions in a forest. Washington led his men out of the battle, his clothes covered in bullet holes but not a single wound on him. One of the French-aligned natives who was present even approached Washington after his inauguration, congratulating him and telling the President that he had fired at him point-blank during the battle several times and missed all of the shots, convincing the native warrior that Washington was protected by the gods. George Washington is the only slave-owning president who freed all of his slaves. The ideal cause of the Revolution caused him to question the morality of chattel slavery and by the 1780’s and 90’s, he openly stated how he no longer wanted to own people, participate in the slave trade, or separate families, even supporting policies of gradual emancipation and putting an end to the Atlantic slave trade. He even stated that all of his slaves were to be given proper education to pursue respectable fields of work and his estate would provide housing for the elderly. After his death, then-First Council Napoleon Bonaparte held a personal eulogy praising George Washington and ordered all of France to hold ten days of mourning, even the British Royal Navy flew their flags at half-staff upon learning the news.