Murdaugh housekeeper never saw Alex's clothes after murders: Full video

Blanca Turrubiate-Simpson testified in the Alex Murdaugh murder trial about her experiences at the home. She never saw the shirt and shoes the disgraced attorney was wearing in a video hours before his son and wife were killed after their deaths.
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コメント (21)
  • Blanca was not just their housekeeper. She was an executive assistant, confidant and dear friend. Sweet lady and a gem 💗
  • @KRey112
    This lady is a rockstar. Military, welder, translator, helping others, taking care of the her own family, taking care of the Murdagh family. Well Done.
  • @Tippy6612
    Blanca and her husband moved out of the house the DAY AFTER Alex tried to convince her he was wearing a different shirt. They were OUT of there; and, she knew they were possibly in danger. And I loved the way she raised her voice and confronted the defense attorney because he was implying she would ever wash away blood evidence. A very composed and professional witness. Blanca you were a hero in this family's life and in this trial. Thank you for your military service and career of pubic service as a Corrections Officer. Alex is ruing the day he ever let her in that house.
  • This woman, I’m just impressed by her life. She’s got five kids. She got promoted like 4 times in 10 minutes. She’s a military veteran. She’s operated heavy machinery. And then she was a bilingual corrections officer working with gangs?! This woman gets after it. Sheesh. Though I’ve always appreciated and loved them, I feel like i may have generally misjudged housekeepers and Latina nannies. This woman is a superhero.
  • @wpp1586
    She is the perfect example of never judge a person by what Job they are doing because you don't know their work history. Amazing woman.🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
  • Blanca is a delight. Thank you for your service to our country. Genuine, articulate lady. Extremely credible.
  • The fact that she knows how the pots are left after supper. The fact that she knows how Maggie wears her pajamas -tells me she loved Maggie. This is so heartbreaking on so many levels
  • This woman is such a true gem. Alex was surrounded by good employees but his badness didn't rub off in them
  • “My Buster.” From a person who works in another’s home to another - I felt this. They don’t see us. They call us last in an emergency - like Alex calling Blanca just before she would have headed out. But we are there. We care, we love, we see. Those babies aren’t ours but you can’t spend years folding onesies to t-ball uniforms to t-shirts and not bond with the family. We see it all, we feed them their every meal, we scrub out every embarrassing stain, we tidy up every seemingly benign mess, but we are oddly unseen. Blanca knows. Anyone who worked at Mozelle or for the Murdaughs regularly, these are the people to question. “My Buster.” My heart is broken for you, Blanca. You did right by them.
  • What an incredible woman! She has done so much in her life and raised 5 children.
  • This woman is not as dumb as Alec hoped she was. He tried to manipulate her and he failed miserably. He must have forgotten that her background is law enforcement. Her loyalties were to Maggie and Paul. What a great witness.
  • She’s very lucky to have survived this family. From listening to phone calls to Buster from Alex, she needs 24 hour protection.
  • Wow she’s a good witness!!!! Loved listening to her testimony, she is solid
  • Blanca is an incredible witness. I applaud her service. I applaud how well she did on the stand. Prayers for Blanca given her close friendship with Maggie.
  • @mi-xl5mp
    I love this lady. Honest, hardworking. Her word is gold. Yes is yes, no is no. Not adding something to make him (Alex) look bad, not leaving something out to make him (Alex) look good. She is so trustworthy.
  • I need an autobiography from this woman. I feel like I could listen to her talk about her life for hours
  • @emmef7970
    Geesh, I would need a few more lifetimes to accomplish everything this woman has. A very accomplished woman, wife, mother. So impressive, such a great role model for her children. Thank you for your service, ma'am
  • This woman is the real AMERICA, tried and true! The best of all of us. My goodness. I hope someone gives her a hot deal as an influencer in whatever capacity would bring her the most joy. She has so much wisdom to share with the world. Bless her fully loving heart.
  • @AlysonLewis
    She wasn't a housekeeper, she was a Personal Assistant.
  • @jrb4347
    Probably the first human being I’ve seen on the stand with actual emotions. She might be the only one who actually cried for Maggie. Maggie’s husband and son certainly didn’t. Poor lady. She’s the only one I feel bad for.