Obama Reacts to Sarah Palin Criticism

Chip Reid asked President Obama about criticism he received from Sarah Palin.

コメント (21)
  • @depannist
    This is how you respond to a question about your adversary without hurling insults.
  • @BabyK71482
    You can tell he tries so hard not to say she's an idiot. I love the fact that he laughed as soon as he heard her name. Way to funny!
  • He complements her and belittles her it the same sentence. Well Done!
  • @Samtagri
    Obama is so classy. He is like the opposite of Palin
  • @Serg223
    U gotta admitt....Obama handled that like a champ.
  • @nkmarks
    The Question is: Are we all totally crazy?!!!
  • @ipKonfig
    @tantric38 -- OMG! LOL, now THAT is a statement! I too want to see her school diploma.
  • @riverace7
    The difference between the two philosophies is that Obama has one and Palin doesn’t!!!
  • @snoops71
    That's how we should all respond to criticism.
  • @Gioxtream La reserva federal es un banco central, y el IRS es una organizacion que recauda los impuestos, no mas. Si eliminaramos los dos, habria disastre economico para los estados. Sin el IRS, el gobierno no podria recaudar fondos para las escuelas, seguridad social, y otras programas federales. Sin la reserva federal, habria depresiones enormes. Habia un periodo en la historia estadounidense cuando no teniamos banco central (1836-1912). En este epoca, hubieron 5 recesiones.
  • @DaUziel
    Thirty second commercial for a thirty second video.
  • @Gioxtream
    @Gioxtream By the way...The federal reserve dont have any gold at all....just papers (Gold certificates)
  • @V_George
    If Sarah Palin gets the nomination in 2012, Obama's second term is guaranteed. That would rule!
  • @bummer2000
    i didn't know Palin had a philosophy! Really couldn't tell from her palm notes, but that somewhow that makes me less afraid of her becoming president.
  • @Gioxtream You're referring to inflation, which occurs naturally in a free market economy. The federal reserve simply keeps it from being too high. Most economists agree that slow, steady inflation, also called "creeping inflation", is healthy for the economy. Deflation, on the other hand, where money increases in value, is considered harmful, because it often leads to deflationary spirals and depressions. Please know your economics before taking such a radical position!
  • @chris7394123 When did "Chicago" become a "race"? Criticisms are welcome, but they have to be LOGICAL.
  • @JessyJ318
    U got it! Kinda like when Bush got help from his daddy's buddies!