Portal the Flash Version Mappack Walkthrough Part 5

Published 2008-05-16
Last Map in the Mappack and end of my walkthrough...(or not?)

All Comments (19)
  • @JStiles85
    @septicsugar I just used one of the 5 gallon oil drums. Put it straight in front of the truck nearest the wall and it's a 2 hop jump up.
  • @eggbertsmith
    @gimok2k5 Silly people, of course there is. You simply put a portal at the side of the truck, then go back to that highest point (which you got to with the slanted slab), jump off it, and shoot a portal beneath you as you fall. Then move toward the truck on your out of the portal.
  • @matooo95
    @septicsugar yes I must use another way because everything jumped. I made a portal near the car tire and second portal UP - over crosshatch, then jumped on the car roof and thats it
  • @brickthegoalie
    just go into the first section wherewhere you gravity jump, next to the wall theres a little room with a table, chair and other things. Pick up a barrel, just the right hight to climb the truck
  • @Swiiiirl
    one of the garage doors opens so you can use the same mechanism as you did before (to get into that room - 0:05 to 0:25) with a portal on the floor next to the lorries.
  • @pmk138
    Instead of tires and chairs just go to the back corner by the area you jumped off of and there is a big can there that you can grab. All it takes is one can to be able to get onto of the trucks.
  • @datacentre81
    Agh. I got to the part in the vertical fiery shaft, and the pipes you need to climb aren't there. Any ideas? (All through the game, I've seen purple walls, and lots of error signs, but this is the first time it's actually gotten in the way)
  • @xxtz2007xx
    @gimok2k5 Here's a hint, and it's much simpler: Use the testchamber 14 Least Time solution. (A.k.A The Ninja Solution)
  • @gimok2k5
    Perhabs Hen added another way. But I didn't found it yet.
  • @sackboy8472
    Dam, I can not go on from here, as mine is broken.
  • @jrewen
    same problem here, can't fix it either (had to refer to this walkthrough a couple of time b/c of this & the purple blocking my view completely). For this one bit, use the noclip cheat & float up, then turn it off. (turn on dev console, hit ~ to get console, type "sv_cheats 1", type "noclip")
  • @septicsugar
    Is there not another way at 1:00 instead of using tires and the chair to build a ladder? I dont see any tires in the corner there.
  • @Purly
    My game isn't working propperly :( Those vertical white pipes show up as ERROR, and they aren't solid, so I can't climb up the shaft like you did at 2:40...
  • @themassau
    DAMN IT i've done something that mine game isn't installed right so i see a lot of purpel things and error(red error sings instead of the tubes and purple instead of some ground and just lines for the ventilation shafts) sings so if i get there there are only error sings and i can't stand on it so i have to reinstall and do it all over again :(
  • @gimok2k5
    Get HL2 or HL2DM (HL2DM is free, google)