What is Dehydration? Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Published 2018-11-06

0:00 Introduction
0:26 Causes of Dehydration
1:45 Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration
3:19 Diagnosis of Dehydration
4:07 Treatment of Dehydration

In physiology, dehydration is a deficit of total body water, with an accompanying disruption of metabolic processes. It occurs when free water loss exceeds free water intake, usually due to exercise, disease, or high environmental temperature. Mild dehydration can also be caused by immersion diuresis, which may increase risk of decompression sickness in divers.

Most people can tolerate a three to four percent decrease in total body water without difficulty or adverse health effects. A five to eight percent decrease can cause fatigue and dizziness. Loss of over ten percent of total body water can cause physical and mental deterioration, accompanied by severe thirst. Death occurs at a loss of between fifteen and twenty-five percent of the body water.Mild dehydration is characterized by thirst and general discomfort and is usually resolved with oral rehydration.

Dehydration can cause hypernatremia (high levels of sodium ions in the blood) and is distinct from hypovolemia (loss of blood volume, particularly plasma).

All Comments (21)
  • @Eramir10
    I never thought this would happen to me, but I was driving home from the gym. I just wasn’t feeling it so I left. Driving home I started feeling my heart beat harder, shortness of breath, nausea, and sweat just stopped. I stopped to get a liter of water, but I drank it all in seconds. I got home finally and drank 3 more liters before needing to pee. Thanks for this video, and now I’ll be more self aware.
  • @KrazyVideoChick
    Just got released from hospital due to this. Its no damn joke.
  • @rextripod6242
    This just happened to me.. I was riding my motorcycle to sturgis from Missouri. About 30 miles away from sturgis while riding I suddenly felt faint to the point I was seeing spots. I was able to pull over and get a bite to eat still not knowing I was dehydrated but my heart was racing. I got to the campground and was so lethargic all I wanted to do was sit down. While sitting my vision suddenly turned into something that I’ve never experienced. It was like looking at a negative picture. Brights and darks . I woke up to my wife yelling my name and my friend was on the phone to 911. I had passed out and stopped breathing. I thought I had a heart attack but it turned out to be severe dehydration. It almost killed me. It was an eye opener for sure. Just thought I’d share something that happened 1 week ago today.
  • @Inksplash52
    I always sucked at drinking water and kept getting UTI but recently I started feeling fatigue that came along with heart palpitations. I thought something was wrong with my heart everything came out normal except I was dehydrated. I been drinking water and drinking Pedialyte. I'm still feeling some symptoms but I realize it's probably gonna take a minute for me to build my body back up from dehydration. Good informative video because I noticed some videos don't touch on heart palpitations when it comes to dehydration.
  • @hex676F64
    I learned a lot throughout this video like how urine becoming concentrated during dehydration causes its yellow color and that 'cardiac output' is the amount of blood pumped into the body, which is lessened as blood vessels construct and focus on major organs rather than skin in order to preserve water. however, my favorite takeaways are how bangin this cartoon guy's home entertainment system is. who you kno with a speaker system taller than their 65" television? and what's the cathode rig on that TV stand?? I also wasn't prepared for the heavy funeral scene amidst the light and cheery background music, with the two kids balling as they lose a loved one to the lethality of dehydration. all jokes aside, thx for this one, stay hydrated yall
  • I had to go to the hospital because I was throwing up for a week straight and I thought I had a a stomach bug, but it was actually I was so dehydrated that my body was starting to shut down and because I wasn’t drinking water. And I had to get pumped with 4 bags of that’s clear stuff in the bag, the first day I was there. I was there for 4 days I’m 15.. and it was so scary for my father to watch me stay in the hospital for that long, and it’ was scary for me.. it was bad..
  • @jellyfisheee
    I am happy i found this video before the symptoms have gotten worse. All i experience is light headedness, a dry mouth, shortness of breath and dry skin. I dont drink alot of water because im scared to drink too much water, i get now that drinking too much water is pretty rare and that i will have to set alarms every hour for water to get hydrated again.
  • @harshithab9299
    Never ignore what your body is trying to signal , never in my wildest dreams I thought I'll become this sick due to dehydration it has been 6 days my fever hasn't got down surviving on dolo Took 3 bottle of dips 1st time in my life I was become soooo weak that I cant recognize myself , headache , dry cough , high fever , chills , high pule , low bp what not
  • @MrsLucky2000
    I once had my blood tested for allergies. The appointment was in the morning. I don't drink a lot, and though they didn't say I had to fast before that, I didn't eat or drink anything since I got up, so by that point for about 10 hours counting in sleeping time. They tried on one arm, but no blood came out. They tried the other one, still no blood. Another nurse came and tried, still nothing. Then she asked me if I drank anything today, I said no. They gave me a glass of water, and 5 minutes later the blood was coming out with no problem. One nurse even joked I may be a vampire, I guess because I'm also very pale. But that was kinda scary, like how dehydrated do you have to be for the blood to stop coming out when directly puncturing a vein?
  • @dxrkerrxses
    When I was twelve it was like spring or something and it was really hot out, I wasn't drinking enough water so this one time I was in the shower washing my hair and I suddenly felt like I had a headache. I felt lightheaded, had nausea and everything was going blurry well I don't know if it was that blurry as I had glasses but I sat down running cold water and my mom and dad came in and asked what happened I told them and they told me I need to wash my hair quickly and get out. If I hadn't gotten out of the shower I probably would have collapsed because I was dehydrated. When I got out and got my clothes on I grabbed a big cup of water I drank the whole cup and I started feeling better. What I'm implying it please don't let yourself get to that point that you feel like your going to pass out.
  • @clopper3753
    I struggle with alcoholism and the days after i have been indulging, i can drink 4 - 5 pints of water without even needing to pee at all. I also use nicotine products so that does not help my hydration either. Usually i squeeze a lemon or an orange in my water to give it a bit of flavor. I remember i was so dehydrated one time i started developing small open sores on my face. So keep drinking your water ppl.
  • I never knew there was such a thing as a full body cramp until I had one this morning.
  • @riaz951
    Super it helps those who are working forcibly in dry or drought areas or deserts ok
  • These symptoms are very scary. But I will admit my water intake has not been what it should be. Combine that with this 110 degree heat and it’s no joke! Stay safe everyone !
  • @IsaacAtap
    I tend to sweat a lot when I workout and I may overdo it causing me to feel lightheaded if I don’t drink enough water because each the intensity levels vary each day, so I gotta discipline myself to drink more water so I don’t get a headache after being lightheaded and vomit.