Residents in Henderson neighborhood looking for help after monsoon rain damage

Published 2022-08-15
In late July, we showed you how one Henderson neighborhood was hit hard by monsoon flooding on Rising Star Drive near Whitney Mesa and Galleria.

One homeowner said it has been a long process trying to get his home repaired but said he could be getting some help after the water tore through his home and backyard causing significant damage.

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All Comments (21)
  • Thirsty cement to reduce flooding and increase groundwater levels and its normal cement but missing sand so water goes right through it. Less palm trees there tropical and have like zero shade and produce like very low amounts of o2. Grow more tall desert native shade trees that potentially have edible fruits like screw bean mesquite or something to reduce flooding hold soil and reduce heat heavy metals in the air and increase o2 by lots.
  • That area has had flood issues for the last 30 years that I know of. Anyone who has bought anything did so at their own risk. Government isn't your babysitter. You have to at least try to watch out for yourself. No sympathy found here. To the elderly gentleman, thank you for your service, but you of all people know not to trust the government.
  • @buddyx6
    Mosquito dunks work awesome, throw some in your pool! Pretty stupid time of the year to fix a wash, should have waited until winter!
  • Does the on scene reporter Dani Masten have a Channel Only for Fans ? Asking for a friend. Oh the flood damage yes, horrible tragedy.
  • That drainage channel was just fine, it never has operated at full bank and the concrete was in good shape, there was absolutely zero reason to remove the existing flood channel for any sort of work especially going into summer and possible monsoon weather. The City Of Henderson is liable for any and all damages the homeowners incurred due to their incompetence.
  • @Hanzyscure
    Bring out code enforcement so the old guy will get fined.
  • @TOROG13
    Rich people problems cash out on your investments and fix your shit Wait they're alll greedy and don't like to spend
  • @TOROG13
    Call state farm jake will have your back lmfao 🤣
  • He has a pool can't he put chlorine tablets in it to kill the insects ???
  • @hwn8088
    I feel the rain in Las Vegas is going to get worse 🙃 with all the climate change get ready..
  • @VoteForBukele
    Who cares as long as some of that water hits the lake. There are too many people on earth for me to care about this guys damn yard.
  • nosey neighbors are just waiting for the chance to leap into action to help by making reports and comments on the news, good job nosey neighbors
    Since you like to wear your dress so tight why even bother just put on a bikini. Such professional attire. SMH.