doing math is lonely

Published 2024-01-31
why can doing math feel so lonely sometimes, and what can we do about it?

00:00 Intro
00:30 Hyperspecialization
02:09 Esotericism
04:19 Most people just don't get it
06:10 What can we do?

frequently asked questions:
what pen? twsbi eco
what keyboard? durgod taurus k320
what music? chopin prelude op 28 no 4, tchaikovsky piano concerto no. 1, sutekimeppou
math subject classification?
my research paper? i'm keeping it private because it's tied to my name and i want to keep my privacy

All Comments (21)
  • @lour8862
    Could you elaborate on what the music that we learn how to read but can't play sounds like? (In maths obviously)
  • @hyp3rgaming836
    I like solving math problems when I don't have the pressure of a looming exam over my head.
  • @fg786
    There was a Field's Medal winner saying that outside of his narrow specialization in math he doesn't even understand what the titles of scientific papers mean.
  • @boogerie
    Pure mathematics is an art without a medium
  • @user-vz4gg6cs4l
    "Every good mathematician is at least half a philosopher, and every good philospher is at least half a mathmatician" - Gottlob Frege
  • @ducksies
    I'm a math major too and I relate to this hard. The only people who seem interested in what I'm doing are biologists strangely enough
  • @shadamethyst1258
    Most people can't read a music sheet, and most people can't read a mathematical paper. But people enjoy music when it's played. So the question becomes: how can you "play" maths? We have computer games for computer science, but we rarely see nice visuals for maths, which I think is a shame
  • I’m a physics major and I think you’ve really hit the nail on the head. I’ve always enjoyed math, but up until this semester I haven’t loved it. This semester though, my calculus 2 professor is possibly the greatest teacher I have ever had. He doesn’t just go up and teach one days lesson. He instead connects to new subject to the previous. Instead of just teaching us how to take a certain integral, he shows how we figured this out through the other methods we have learned. I think this is something many math teachers miss. It’s a story where each page is a continuation of the last a book where all the pages are shuffled and cut up means nothing, but the lord of the rings has meaning.
  • @gamevies9254
    I have a math learning disability, so I am one of the people who "hated math in school". this video is really eye opening, i can't imagine not being able to share my work with the average person. I think it's admirable that you're so passionate depite all of this.
  • I find that math (even quite abstract math) almost always has a physical analogy, but mathematicians don’t really think of it that way so advances in pedagogy rarely occur. I like both math and physics, and tools from physics are very great when used to help intuit mathematical concepts.
  • @jacobharris5894
    If I can relate so much as a physics graduate I can’t imagine how much lonelier it must feel taking the abstraction to another level.
  • @DireSheep
    This is what I was just thinking about a few days ago! Looking around my classroom in algebraic topology and seeing just a few heads made me think about all the times I've studied in the library, using a chalkboard all by myself while all around me groups of students are talking and laughing together, doing biology, chemistry, or even physics. Doing math is such an individual endeavor, and I feel like the further you push into it the more disconnected you become from your friends that pursue other fields, simply because you have no way of connecting it back to the real world
  • @friend87
    Great video. Also, a fat W for playing monogatari ost.
  • @subnumeric
    Came for the sob, stayed for the monogatari reference
  • @Chickon273
    I think about this feeling all of the time. It's even more isolating not going to a school which really specializes in math so the other math majors I know also don't really understand (or care) about the types of research problems I am interested in. Still feels like I am in high school in terms of people just doing whatever they need to do to get the course over with and get the degree. I have been reading lots of Paul Lockhart and it sounds like you are familiar from your music education analogy. I wish I could hand out his books to everyone I know so they could get a glimpse into the beauty I see in it all. Being a music producer it's frustrating that most of my friends see my music as my "creative side" and math as my "logical side" whereas I feel like I am just an artist of two fields and one of them is entirely disregarded. I hope we find more people as time goes on that are willing to listen to us ramble about this stuff.
  • @rcwlson1
    I feel this in my soul. Every time people I know disinterestedly tell me I'm smart and avoid engaging me on topic I want to die. It's living without being related to or appreciated.
  • @toucan966
    As a math major, I heavily agree to this video. Nobody is really interested in hearing me out cause they generally think I am some crazy and smart dude and tend to stay away from me. I hated math as a kid in elementary but slowly in high school it grew up on me and I started loving it alot more when I realized what math really is. Great video which I can heavily relate to.
  • @loopyzreal
    As a Musician who has gone extremely deep into my instruments, as well as the world of chord theory and shaping sound; and as a current BS Physics undergrad student, I cannot emphasize enough how much I relate with what you have said — about Math and its comparison with my fields. I mingle quite a bit with pure math so I very much salute you all diving into the world of pure abstraction that I moreso apply to the fields I work on.