Tyler ISN'T Clancy (Well, Sort of) - twenty one pilots theory

Clancy’s identity has been arguably one of the longest running mysteries in the trench story, earning frequent speculation online.

Some clique members may say that the matter of his identity has been resolved recently with the release of evidence that point towards Clancy being Tyler as well as the massive lore bomb that was I am Clancy.

However, with many inconsistencies on dmaorg and other discrepancies, I don't think this is necessarily the case. Clancy’s identity, much like most things in tøp lore, isn't as clear and cut dry as what it seems to be.

music used: Turncoat (Unus Annus), Seven devils (Florence + The Machine), redecorate, Birthday Suit (Cosmo Sheldrake)

コメント (21)
  • @Good_Day_Dema
    Apologies for the video cut off at the end. I have no clue why or how that happened, my guess is that it was something during the uploading process that affected it
  • @nat3166
    I think that he took Clancy’s name. I know self titled isn’t completely lore related but in trap door he sings “nobody knows his real name, but now he just uses what he saw on a grave”. This is my belief and I’m going to stick by it
  • "We are Twenty-One-Pilots and so are you!" 'I am Clancy.... and so are you' we can all be Clancy as we escape from our own Dema. I am going to make a wild guess and say they MAY end their concert/album with 'We are Clancy' or some such statement
  • @Meow-Meow501
    I actually love the idea that there was an original Clancy and now it’s a name that many use in Trench.
  • @krazykat1697
    the way tyler says I am a citizen, I am an escapee, I am Clancy. Sounds like progressive titles. He went from being a citizen of dema living his life within the city, then one day he attempted an escape and did it again and again making him an escapee, now hes finally successfully escaped and takes the name clancy like the others who have made it out
  • This aligns with my thinking of Clancy. Blurryface (nico/ and the bishops) represent Tyler's insecurities his fear etc. I think Clancy is the opposite. He represents his confidence, his will to live, and creativity. Clancy is the embodiment of the will to escape and conquer (or at least keep fighting) Dema.
  • Great breakdown, dema. I have a lot to think about now. Also, when you mention this it doesn't fully seem like you've acknowledged that Nicolas Bourbaki is also a real life example of a group of people all using the same pseudonym. If that is co-occurring with "Clancy" being a group pseudonym it holds a lot of implications!
  • Also, in the SAI livestream, Lisden and Sacarver call him Tyler Joseph. And that livestream is credited as being canon. Just another piece of evidence!
  • @ZuzuFanatic
    This was great! When you first announced you'd be making this video I wasn't sure what you were going to make of the whole 'Tyler isn’t Clancy' thing, but you did a fantastic job! Not only that, but with the way you explained it, and the way this one bit of lore affects core components of the other lore, I am so glad I saw this video. Your reasonings make sense and I believe what you said is most likely true or at least partially true with the evidence presented.
  • @CaraLizabet
    Watch the last video of this Era be "We Are Clancy". 😮 This theory low key made me go 🤯. What if a group of people operating under the pseudonym Clancy is a way to counteract the others operating under Nicholas Bourbaki. Makes sense in the theme of reclaiming and counteracting that seems to be so present this Era.
  • @heckinat5502
    I loved fhe video! Hearing the theory made me think of the "he goes by Nico, he told me I'm a copy" lyric in Morph. Assuming that the first, original Clancy is dead, and his death is being used as a way to take away the hope of the Dema citizens, telling Tyler that he's merely a copy of Clancy is a way to stop him? "When I'd hear him mock me, that's almost stopped me"
  • @jarodball4945
    I think it makes perfect sense that Clancy is a pseudoname or symbol that escapees use. And even just on the level that the entire album is named Clancy, it makes way more sense for that to by symbolical and represent way more than just one person named Clancy.
  • @abivise7756
    11:22 Another way would unfortunately be by making a name irrelevant because someone is no longer alive. She had plans to die thus changing from alive to dead or "her name was..." rather than "her name is..." It is much darker and sadder, but given the context of the song, it makes sense.
  • Hello, just wanted to say that the sound at the start of bandito isnt a typewriter, its the clicking sound of the keyboard preset that's used for the melody (a virtual keyboard library called keyscape that tyler and paul use). Its part of the sound rather than an added effect as vintage Rhodes keyboards make those sounds. good theory though, interested to see how it pans out with the album
  • @Eden.H
    I totally thought a similar thing about Redecorate! Nice catch, glad people are talking about it! Now after Overcompansate it seems like its not only a pseduname (where it is related to more than one person), but Tyler is trying to teach all of us to become more like Clancy.
  • This is fabulous! Thanks for all your diligence in sifting through the clues and music to find the thread that coheres them! Your theory adds a dimension to my understanding. Wow!
  • @HellaJ77
    Interesting 🧐 Mark said on Twitter he can’t divulge the red headed boy Tyler seizes in Overcompensate. He said he’s not “the original Clancy.” I’m going with the pseudonym theory of We Are All Clancy.