A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto

Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful, undeniably scary time-lapse map of the 2053 nuclear explosions which have taken place between 1945 and 1998, beginning with the Manhattan Project's "Trinity" test near Los Alamos and concluding with Pakistan's nuclear tests in May of 1998. This leaves out North Korea's two alleged nuclear tests in this past decade (the legitimacy of both of which is not 100% clear).

Each nation gets a blip and a flashing dot on the map whenever they detonate a nuclear weapon, with a running tally kept on the top and bottom bars of the screen. Hashimoto, who began the project in 2003, says that he created it with the goal of showing"the fear and folly of nuclear weapons." It starts really slow — if you want to see real action, skip ahead to 1962 or so — but the buildup becomes overwhelming.


Multimedia artwork
"2053" - This is the number of nuclear explosions conducted in various parts of the globe.*
Profile of the artist: Isao HASHIMOTO
Born in Kumamoto prefecture, Japan in 1959.
Worked for 17 years in financial industry as a foreign exchange dealer. Studied at Department of Arts, Policy and Management of Musashino Art University, Tokyo.
Currently working for Lalique Museum, Hakone, Japan as a curator.
Created artwork series expressing, in the artist's view, "the fear and the folly of nuclear weapons":
"1945-1998" © 2003
"The Names of Experiments"
About "1945-1998" ©2003
"This piece of work is a bird's eye view of the history by scaling down a month length of time into one second. No letter is used for equal messaging to all viewers without language barrier. The blinking light, sound and the numbers on the world map show when, where and how many experiments each country have conducted. I created this work for the means of an interface to the people who are yet to know of the extremely grave, but present problem of the world."
Contact the artist:
Should you have any query regarding this artwork, please contact e-mail address below:
[email protected]
* The number excludes both tests by North Korea (October 2006 and May 2009).

コメント (21)
  • US and Russia over there playing "let's see who can nuke themselves the hardest", meanwhile the UK is like "Hey Australia! Catch!"
  • @Lettelse
    USA:just one more nuke in Nevada USSR:just one more nuke in Kazakhstan
  • @arathemacaw
    Test results: "If you blow up a small town, it gets destroyed"
  • @Apatetika
    USSR: doesn't nuke US US: "Fine...i'll do it myself."
  • Britain: Hey, I’ve run out of colonies to test my nukes on, can I test ‘em over at your place? U.S.: Yeah, bro, of course, I got you.
  • @MrDrumzOrz
    I like how the USA and USSR were going absolutely crazy with tests in the late 50s until the Tsar Bomba happens, where both countries collectively take a pause and reflect on what they just did
  • Lies you tell yourself: Netflix: just one more episode Chocolate: just one more piece USA: JUST ONE MORE NUKE
  • @Ypog_UA
    French African colonies: "So can we have independence now?" France: "Yeah but just let me do some preparations first"
  • Another incident left out entirely, including from the description, is the 1979 Vela Incident, where satellites detected two flashes of light matching the profile of nuclear detonations in the southern Indian Ocean, roghly half-way between Madagascar and Antarctica. Nobody has claimed responsibility for the detonations, but it's suspected to have been an undeclared joint test by Israel and South Africa.
  • @JacksonMalvoi
    Imagine showing this to someone from the 1800s and explaining that most of those explosions could at least completely destroy almost any large city thats been built
  • Cold war how it was expected to be: Soviet union nukes US, US nukes soviet union. Cold war how it really was: Soviet union nukes soviet union, US nukes US.
  • @3dburger
    0:22 I don’t know if it’s just me but I feel suspense before and after the first nuke goes off, it’s like calm before a storm
  • France: nukes literally the opposite side of the world. Russia: nukes borders, near friends. US: nukes middle of country. Invites friends over to do the same.
  • Everybody gangsta until the nukes start making music
  • @bee3467
    I love how you can tell the US and the USSR knew whenever the other tested and immediately responded