Rory Duff - on Earth's Energy Lines, Universal Prophecy and Egypt

Rory Duff is a Geobiologist and Earth Mystery Researcher. He has published several books, runs dowsing courses and meditation groups and much more. Find out more at

コメント (21)
  • The magical thing is, while Rory is speaking, we are all deeply, intrinsically and intuitively understanding exactly everything that he is saying without effort and without that desperate egoic need to intellectually KNOW what he means. Every piece of wisdom of this universe already resides within us. We already know the stories and magic tales of the universe, so it's not about discovery, it's about remembering, our soul's journey of coming back to truth and remembering.
  • I just love that in this one conversation we are talking about prophetic dreams, Egypt, ley lines, Hopi, synchronicities, astrology, group meditation, Adam and Eve, solar flares, Montana connecting to Egypt, Native American Indians, dowsing...I just love it all and find the leaders of this discussion so positive and brilliant. We are many ways❤
  • @Maybeamystic
    The other day my 7 year old child said that Ireland and Egypt are the same. Only Ireland has grass. He said that just out of the blue❤
  • I just read a book called THE CLOUD by Fred Hoyle (Sir). He was an Astronomer and this whole book speaks of what is happening on Earth right now. I very much like your guest, Rory Duff. I've heard you mention him before and think these subjects are simply fascinating so thank you both for such an UPLIFTING discussion for once. It makes a change from all the doom and gloom.
  • Wow. .. Holy moly. I've recently purchased Rory Duff's book GUIDE TO LEYLINES, etc. What. A. Great. Book! Love this guidance from both of you. Thank you both.
  • @maryhart637
    My head is spinning!! My grandmother used to say "When things get to be too much, put your mind in neutral and coast!" I find myself doing that more and more these days...maybe that is what Rory was speaking of in just allowing whatever is coming to come...🙏🌈💚🥰
  • My dad taught art and was a cartoonist. He loved Studio Ghibli, as they use traditional, hand-drawn and coloured frames only - rarely computer generated. Also, the themes tend to focus on children/environmental issues/war. All-in-all there is a different quality to their films - more depth and joy. SO happy to hear this! Going forwards in evolutionary terms often means going BACK to ‘old’ ways… Thankyou both! ❤❤
  • I'm a poet who channels messages from the Divine. The collections I've transcribed all speak to what Rory was explaining. Four years ago, I took on my rites as a shaman. I believe my purpose is to help heal humanity one heart at a time through poetry and shamanic healing. This entire conversation resonates with my experiences, greatly ✨️🌈❤ what a wild ride this human journey is! At times, I feel like I'm working backward because I process on such a grand scale. We are indeed feeding one another's souls, sparking one another's memories. Hence, this grand awakening 🌟 Big love to you both Pam & Rory 🙏
  • Rory did the leyline chart for our Cheltenham Planetary City of Light. We placed a crystal at the central point & at each of the 4 compass points coming from the main crystal. We do a monthly meditation at the main site & do the same on various visits to the other 4 points. Each time we take crystals etc. Whatever we feel drawn to bring. We held a beltane celebration in a magical ancient wood. We even held a 1yr celebration of universal dances of peace with meditations. I'm proud of how our group has developed & continues. Love, light & blessings to you both . ❤
  • @kellylowe1857
    Thank you for that comment, Rory, about the purification! I haven't been able to drink even a little bit of wine since last December. I had a glass last night, and have been off balance all morning. I really have no desire to drink much of anything but water. Even coffee or tea.
  • @lola6023
    Bless you Pam. The information that you bring to us is timely and invaluable. Thanks to you & your guest.
  • Anne Tucker speaks of the wave of energy that Rory speaks of, it’s really something, she is on YouTube ❤ Loved this entire episode, Thanks Pam 🤗
  • @janmoore4712
    Thank-you for this insightful conversation. The discussion about Infinity makes me think of a William Blake poem. My Choir sings the first four lines: "To see a World in a Grain of Sand. And a Heaven in a Wild Flower. To hold Infinity in the palm of your hand. And Eternity in an hour." So much to ponder.
  • Thank you, so much, Pam and Rory. These chats are wonderfully uplifting and it's amazing how your separate fields of knowledge intersect and inform one another. You are inspiring people.
  • OMG, Pam and Rory, this has been a wonderful discussion, thank you. Here in NZ our Group has been gathering for 4 years now. The discussions are open, supportive, sharing, searching ...such a vast array of questions, sometimes joy sometimes sadness.. the most important thing is the Trust and Respect that has developed. Our beliefs have strengthened with tremendous speak without any fear of being spoken down to. Our meditations set the scene for a great day. Humorous stories thrown into the mix keeps a lightness to the day. Your talk resonated so well with what our group is doing. Living in the Light and Truth. Thank you..Arohatinonui
  • Thank You, Pam and Rory! Always the best conversations with Pam and her guests. We are in such exciting times!❤
  • @jmitch5161
    Lived this. I actually slept the whole night last night, which NEVER happens. Sleep (lack of) has been horrendous, so this has given me big hope! Thankyou for a super interesting chat. 🙏
  • @parry3231
    Living with love and harmony in our lives together with kindness and care for ourselves. Others and the environment. The ability to be present with creativity and joyously sharing our knowledge and understanding through our own unique ways of alignment with generosity of heart and mind. Honoring the Earth and the simplicity of being kind and caring. Surrounding ourselves with the healing energies of various modalities. ❤ Life is an amazing adventure for the betterment of our lives in alignment with peacefulness and compassion ❤
  • @mandy7737
    Fantastic to hear that Rory's experienced many energy lines without realising he was there. In the last few years I've done the same. I've done a lot of travelling in the last 25 years - holidays as well as residing in other countries. On asking why I went or lived where I have, I've found energy lines/portals in those areas, Egypt, Sedona, Uluru being just a few. I now see in old photos taken, portals in the pictures where I'm standing. 🎉🎉