When Anti-Gun Story Goes Horribly Wrong


コメント (21)
  • Fear the government that fears your gun. I was a full time sworn Police Officer for almost 16 years and NEVER arrested ANYONE for a violent crime that involved a legally owned firearm. EVER.
  • My guns wont be illegal....they’ll be “Undocumented”
  • “Workaround“ and “loophole” = code for “We tried again to get guns universally banned, and it didn’t work”.
  • Reminds me of an old novelty license plate my granddad had on his pickup: "When Guns become Outlawed, Only Outlaws will have Guns." Hittin heavy these days.
  • Funny how politicians with 24 hour security tell us we don't need to be able to protect ourselves.
  • A message to US citizens from India , if you remember 26/11 which killed 168 people with 30 Police Officer and hundreds injured which was the work of just 10 people armed with AKM rifles and few grenades , I always thought what if some citizens were armed , could have stopped from destroying other lives , what if the government was not too much strict on gun laws other people would be still alive. Even the Law Enforcement Officers were only allowed to keep outdated revolvers and .303 Lee Enfield Rifles ( Which some States Still Carry) , but we stuck on 'what if' and lost hundreds of lives. Banning Assault rifles doesn't mean they can't be obtained illegally by criminals . Fight for your Second Amendment Rights don't make the mistakes which India made ..
  • The media never lets a silly thing like a fact get in the way of a good “scare story”!
  • "People shouldn't be afraid of their government; the government should be afraid of its people." V
  • If compliance is a "work around" or a "loophole" then it's obvious that they want us to just give up our 2A rights out of frustration.
  • "It will be illegal to possess a firearm". I love how they think that possessing an illegally obtained firearm will just magically disappear from a criminals hands.
  • Good thing none of my rifles have assaulted anyone. No need to register.
  • "Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." ~ James Madison
  • When you go to the Beach, hold a sign that says " Shark Free Zone". When you go to Alaska, hold a sign that says "Bear Free Zone". Each will be just as effective as a "Gun Free Zone".
  • Guns do not hurt people, people hurt people. They will always find a way.
  • The problem now days is we have reporters, not INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS