Is Israel Guilty Of Apartheid Against Palestinians?

Publicado 2021-05-14
For many years, Palestinians have accused Israel of practicing apartheid: An official policy of treating the people under its rule differently depending on their ethnicity.

Although it’s most famously associated with the white supremacist regime that used to rule South Africa, apartheid is actually a crime with specific conditions. In this explainer, we look at what those conditions are and whether they truly apply to Israel or not.

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#Israel #Apartheid #SheikhJarrah

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • The world ended apartheid in South Africa through a massive boycott, but if you call for the boycott of Israel, you’re denounced as antisemitic, it’s absurd
  • @Slimdawg2011
    I had no idea this was going on. As a South African that lived through apartheid, this is unacceptable. How is Israel allowed to get away with this?
  • @EL-ksvkv
    It’s sad that a lot of people are only finding out about this now (including myself). It shows how the sufferings of Palestinians are being buried.
  • @moonlily1
    Yes. My mother, who is a white, American, Christian, was married to a Palestinian man and lived in Bethany/Al-Eizariya for two years. She had to go through checkpoints and show her papers (just like Jews did in the ghettos imposed by Nazis); she was forbidden to enter certain parks and public places because they were "for Israelis only", but Israelis would go to spaces reserved for Palestinians and would stand around and laugh and jeer at them. IDF had tried to enter her house for no reason, she was twice detained at the airport for no reason, on one occasion the armed guard told her if you try to leave I'll shoot you. She was holding my infant sister. She has seen IDF fire at Palestinian ambulances, and tells me that Israelis frequently harrassed Palestinians in the street. The Israeli government took her father-in-laws olive grove, building a wall behind his own yard blocking him off from his trees that had been in his family for generations and forbidding him from harvesting them.
  • @mmyafai72
    "We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians" says Nelson Mandela
  • @KentuckyBlue502
    As a black American I had no idea the Palestinians were being subject to these mistreatment. This is just wrong on so many levels
  • @JasonO-we3qt
    Living in the United States we are fed media that is completely one sided. I have learned that from my time overseas and seen for myself what happens elsewhere that the US media reports on incorrectly. Thank you for making these videos to allow us to see the other side of this conflict. This is a real eye opener for me. I had no idea. I can appreciate your hard work in putting this all together for those of us that are educated enough to research, listen and keep an open mind.
  • @amandan2607
    It is absolutely insane how this Apartheid has been allowed to continue for so long. Palestinians are people! They are humans! They deserve dignity and respect just like everyone on this planet!
  • @jokotri2186
    The UN accusing and condemning a country was as useful as man nipple, doesn't do a thing only for appearance.
  • “You take my water, burn my olive trees, destroy my house, take my job, steal my land, imprison my father, kill my mother, bombard my country, starve us all, humiliate us all, but I am to blame because I shot a rocket back.” Noam Chomsky
  • @turnleft8645
    I currently stay in South Africa and everyone here is on Palestine's side because we understand what apartheid can do to a nation and how it can affect it's healing process
  • @garrywillliams
    20 years ago I spent 3 miserable months in the Westbank during the 2nd Intifada. Took only 3 minutes for me to understand Israel is an apartheid state. Only the stubbornly ignorant or pretending to be claim otherwise.
  • @smagaye9786
    As a South African this sounds exactly like Apartheid
  • @tahirahmad6322
    “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.” Martin Luther King, Jr. quote
  • @koryhardy9594
    As an African who basically learned bout Israel from bible studies when I was younger, growing up n learning bout how the Israeli state was formed is really an eye opener n it’s very sad to see how Palestinian people are forced to live Israel, can’t imagine spending half my life in a small city that’s constantly bombarded, I hope the whole world comes to a peaceful resolution for this conflict n give Palestine people their basic rights as humans
  • @andrewveitch8515
    Having grown up and lived through Apartheid in South Africa, seeing this is absolutely disgusting . Living in America, it sickens me that our tax dollars are supporting this illegitimate and oppressive regime, much like they supported the SA apartheid regime many years ago.
  • @ROLEXXX75
    “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” - Desmond Tutu
  • @zafeerahmed5909
    "if I don't steal your house, someone else is going to steal it"- Yaqub, Israeli settler, 2021
  • @freddyromeroiii
    Thank you for publishing this and educating people. I wish more Americans like me could watch this and be educated on the plight of the Palestinian people.