Dare Response Book Review | A Must Read For Anxiety!

Published 2020-07-07
I wanted to share my thoughts on the Dare Response book, written by Barry McDonagh. Especially as this book has massively helped me in healing my anxiety. I honestly feel like this can be a game changer of a book if like me, you are still on your journey of recovery from anxiety.

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#Anxiety #MentalHealth #BookReview

All Comments (8)
  • @vmtz2001
    I HAD panic disorder for 27 years. My fears and symptoms were heart related. What DARE describes is the ONLY way. The mistakes I made include: 1) Thinking of this as a primarily a physical problem WAS MY MAIN MISTAKE. That only gives it more credibility and it’s your own power of suggestion that causes it. 2) Struggling with the symptoms. It’s having it on your mind and the back of your mind, as a pressing matter, precisely what is causing it. 3) Relating it too much to other emotional issues in your life. It’s your beliefs not your emotions that cause this. Your emotions are just triggers. By blaming your emotions you create more triggers out of the different issues in your life. 4) Gaging your success by whether or not you get symptoms. You want the symptoms to be gone as the condition and then you will feel you are okay. No! You need to become okay with the symptoms THEN they will go away. Nobody wants to hear this. I didn’t. That held me up. I actually overcame this after 3 months but kept falling back because of my own obsession. I was constantly checking my pulse and my blood pressure. People say I should write a book. The reason I don’t is because Barry McDonough already wrote this book. But it’s not enough. You need to sign up with one of their coaches.
  • @janesushams7010
    im only taking sertraline 50mg 2nd wk on them lost my mum in april now my siblings have deserted me but il soldier on ihave gad depression
  • @javaidbeigh7073
    I wish i can find this book in india ..it is not even available on Amazon in India
  • @antonnovo695
    Sounds like the author stole from David Hawkin's Letting Go book