Rebuilding Trust in Your Marriage After Infidelity (Part 1) - Mark & Jill Savage

Mark and Jill Savage share their own personal story of rebuilding trust in their own marriage after infidelity.

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コメント (21)
  • The struggle as the one cheated on emotionally or physically is regaining trust. I was so trusting- with this man- it eats at my soul because I just cannot seem to get the trust back. I love him- just struggling with trusting again. I want my brain back-
  • I request you to kindly uphold me in your prayers for my marriage restoration.
  • @bsayon
    It happens from the small things.. and then we just destroyed our marriages for “no real reason”. It’s temporary and not really worth it. Prayers for our marriages.
  • I am so thankful to see the Church starting to step up in this area of marriage.
  • The difference is if the cheater is remorseful and can take responsibility of themselves
  • @camuyana
    When there is no repentance and change, there is no way to salvage the marriage. I gave him 43 years and he kept being unfaithful. I decided it was time to end this mess and file for The voice this year. The papers are in the court and the end is just around the corner. He is deeply regretting what happened but there is no love or trust anymore. Make sure that when you do the ultimate betrayal you are ready to really really leave because otherwise the most deepest pain is what you're going to experience and the only thing comparable probably is the death of a child. Don't make the mistake of going into an illicit relationship and later regretting.
  • Please know that many many woman were and are in Mark's shoes. Thank you Jill and Mark for sharing what so many are experiencing.
  • @AverageAufa
    i still feel like throwing up and am physically ill occasionally
  • Love is Powerful!!!! Thank You Jesus for Your Love!!! Bless the Savages in Your Name!!!
  • This is a powerful testimony. Thank you for this. I have been so grateful to have found the work of The Marriage Foundation and Paul Friedman, who are helping men and women to truly love one another in marriage. We are not taught how to do this incredibly important relationship, which impacts everyone around the marriage, couple and the family, and ultimately society. Thank you so much for this vulnerable and valuable sharing from the heart. 🙏🏼♥️
  • @kevarist
    This is nice. Can we have similar stories where men are also victims? We need to hear the other side as well.
  • Thank you for sharing your story 😢 It has helped me greatly…🙏🙏
  • @linak7155
    I'm glad this couple has reconciled and perhaps this is helpful to others who are going through this pain BUT rehashing it over and over again cannot be healthy...😔🥀
  • I feel her pain. I found out while my husband was sleeping and instead of phoning a friend I reacted in a very ungodly way.