Doctor caught on camera laughing and cursing at a patient

The patient says the doctor accused him of going to the hospital in hopes of getting narcotics.

コメント (21)
  • imagine going to medical school for all those years just to be a clown
  • @ldylkr
    What a horrible doctor. She shouldn't be a doctor anywhere. Not even a vet.
  • I remember having my first anxiety attack. I always thought people who had them were being over reacting and God humbled me real quick. I really felt like I was dying. Fighting to catch a breath and my arms and hands locking up. I stayed in a wheel chair and I really felt like I couldn’t get up. Anxiety attacks are no joke
  • Without the recording, the hospital would have denied the incident
  • No person should EVER be treated this way seeking medical help. I am so happy they stopped this Dr. from practicing bullying because she certainly was not practicing medicine. So glad you had your dad with you and got it on video.
  • I went to the ER because I was in excruciating pain every time I went to the bathroom. My exact words were “please help me I can’t bear this pain anymore” Young Persian female ER doctor at Cedars. She did a scan and found nothing and told me “I don’t believe you. I think you’re a drug addict looking for pain meds.” It turned out I had ovarian cancer-a tumor on my left ovary the size of the cantaloupe. I ordered a copy of the scan and at the bottom of the report it said I had a 13 cm mass on my left ovary and should be referred to a gynecologist. I have zero respect for doctors.
  • It's actually crazy she had the balls to do that with his father sitting right there
  • @Samuraistar92
    I believe this because I have endured years of medical abuse as well. I have years of experience as a former medical administrator and would have advocated for this man and his rights.
  • @mypham2788
    Not acceptable behavior for a doctor, but the patient did sound alert, expressive, and healthy enough to argue back and forth in a normal way.
  • Can you imagine how she treats the old patients especially ones with no family
  • If she treated my son like that she’d need her own emergency doctor 😂😂😂
  • I suffer from panic disorder and when I’ve shown up at the ER they treat me like crap. It’s not a good feeling if you’ve ever suffered a panic attack,it literally feels like you’re dying. This woman is disgusting
  • @TheAshcrafty
    This isn't anything new. I was an EMT years ago, and i couldn't believe how nurses and medical Drs treated patients with such disrespect. It was mostly towards patients that were frequent visitors that we would bring in. I remember one male nurse was mimicking a homeless guy we used to frequently bring in because he talked funny. I looked around and all the staff had a smirk on their face, but the patient didn't realize it. I was disgusted by the lack of professionalism from everyone. They clearly didn't care about this guy. He ended up passing a year later due to health problems. Another instance I still remember to this day... I hadn't finished my EMT course yet, but one of the requirements was we had to spend two 12 hour shifts in the ER. One of the days, a concerned couple came in because their toddler had gotten underneath the sink where all the cleaning supplies were, and had somehow chewed on one of those toilet cakes that you put in the top of your toilet that cleans everytime you flush. I was sitting behind the desk with all the nurses, and all they were doing was bashing the parents hardcore how they could just "let" their child get a hold of cleaning supplies. Personally being behind the scenes, it's insane the things they say about their patients.
  • @MIZZY5174
    The saddest part is that if it wasn’t recorded the hospital would have acted like it never happened
  • So glad it was recorded in how this monster was behaving. I’ve had similar thing happen but back before cell phones. Had a “Doctor” treat me horribly after being sent to the hospital after getting hurt in the job. I left crying after leaving the exam room because of how he was talking and treating me during an exam. I’ve never liked or trusted Dr.s ever since .